Chapter 3

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"And attacked Levy. "chimed Lucy.

I hadn't said anything just stared at the man who had beaten me and my friends and hung us to a tree. It felt like every hair on my body stood up on edge. I couldn't stop thinking about that night it all happened so fast.

"Now now children I've taught you that there is good in every one. And this young man has chosen to walk the path of light let us guide him. Remember yesterday's enemy can be today's friend."

"If this is your will Master then I will obey it, nonetheless I will be keeping a sharp eye on him." Said Erza

"I won't forgive him for what he did to Levy." Lucy argued

At the sound of my name I finally found my voice.

"Yeah if I'm ok with him here then you should be to. Le...let's give him a chance like the Master said."

I felt myself shaking trying to keep my fear under contol. I hadn't realized I was on the floor hiding under the table.

"Are you sure Lev?" Lucy asked voice thick with worry.

I gave her my best reassuring nod turning my gazed towards the Iron Dragon Slayer. The sight of him sent chills through my body covering me in goosebumps. I felt a cold sweat forming on the back of my neck. He can't be that bad if the Master let him in. Gajeel turned his gaze towards me and I stifled a frightened squeak. He got up and walked out the door.

"You ok Levy? "

I looked up and was greeted with Jet's concerned face. I nodded at him and stood trying to shake my nerves.

"You ready?" Droy said to Jet.

"Yeah let's do it."

"What are you guys talking about? " I asked confused.

Jet took me by the hand and led me outside. We made our way to the park and right under the big tree stood Gajeel. I felt my breath hitch and palms sweat. What's going on? Jet let go of my hand and I coward behind the tree.

"Is there a reason you asked me out here?" Gajeel asked.

"Yeah we got a bone to pick with you."

"Yeah after what you did to us there's no way you're joining our guild."

I've never seen Jet and Droy so angry before. My nails dug into the tree bark preparing myself for the fight I felt brewing in the air. What was the matter with them, did the forget how strong he was?

"Come on guys can't we make up and be friends. "

"Maybe he's right guys, he's in the guild now he won't do it again...right?" I said trying to keep my voice from shaking.

"We gotta let him know... he can't mess with us." said Droy.

Then one by one they started to attack him. The blows came quick and hard but Gajeel still managed to stay on his feet. My heart raced fearing the moment he would attack back.

"Had enough?" Jet asked with a smirk.

I felt a chill run up my spine and turned around.

"You guys aren't giving the new guy a hard time are you?"


Oh no this is bad.

"But seeing how this is the punk who destroyed our guild hall I understand.  I bet the old man only let you join because he was scared of you wrecking the place again. Ya know on the way back from my last job I stopped at a few pubs and heard some things that really pissed me off. Everyone was talking about how weak the Fairytail guild was now. Noone dared said that about us before you came along. YOU MADE US THE LAUGHING STOCK OF THE MAGIC COMMUNITY AND NOW YOU'RE GONNA PAY!"

Laxus attacked him with a huge strike of lightning causing a loud cry of agony to escape Gajeel's lips. I couldn't help but to look on with wide eyes scared to even breath. Laxus then punched the ground sending a large lightning bolt straight to Gajeel causing him to fly through the air and land harshly on the ground.

"That's enough you're taking this to far Laxus." Jet said.

"I know Laxus is strong and all but somethings not adding up, Gajeel isn't fighting back."said Droy.

"Now that you mention it he hasn't fought back this entire time."

I gasped and covered my mouth. I just couldn't believe it. He's letting them get their anger out on him. I think he's trying to gain our acceptance.

"You'd never should've messed with Fairytail punk now you gotta deal with me."

Laxus stomped Gajeel into the ground without mercy.

"Give it a rest Laxus you're taking things to far." said Jet.


He sent a lightning bolt in Jet's direction but it missed him and was heading straight for me. I stood there froze unsure what to do. I closed me eyes placing my arms in front of my face preparing for impact. I heard a loud thud and opened my eyes. I gasped and my eyes widen with shock.

"GAJEEL!" I exclaimed surprised.

There before me stood the large Dragon Slayer covered in wounds. I stared at him in disbelief not sure what to do or say. I can't believe he just did that.

"Are you through with me yet cause I got places to be."

Gajeel straighten up but slightly slumped down in pain and began to walk off. Everyone but Laxus stared after him in shock. I finally found my voice and called after him.

"Gajeel I...."

"Leave me alone."

I looked on as he walked out of sight. I swallowed my shock and turned towards Laxus who was already walking away.

"What just happened?" Droy asked still recovering from his shock.

"Beats the hell outta me." Jet chimed in.

I could have been really hurt or even died. He saved my life I can't believe he did that. I shook away my thoughts and turned my attention towards the two morons in front of me.

"What happened is you two idiots decided to do something reckless and could have gotten yourselves killed."

"Oh come on Levy we were just standing up for ourselves." said Jet.


"I understand that but what would you have done if he decided to fight back huh? Master told us to give him a chance and welcome him into the guild. How do you think he'll react if he found out what you guys have done. Better yet how do you think Erza's going to react if she found out you disobeyed the Master's wishes?"

Their faces paled at my words and they hung their heads in shame.

"Sorry Levy." They both said.

I walked over and gave them each a warm smile and placed a hand on their arms.

"Wasn't there a job we were supposed to do?" I asked.

They both smiled and we headed for the train station. I couldn't stop thinking about what Gajeel had done.

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