Summoned Angel

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A week after a memorial of Mark Ndlovu .We meet a pregnant woman and a widow called Minnie Ndlovu .The candle blazed day and night in her bedroom without stopping .She is a woman of prayer even during difficult moments her faith in God never went astray .The days of giving birth to a son approached .One early cold morning in Carletonville the door bell rang .Minnie answers the door.

“Hello Minnie .How is you?” Sophie asked.

“I’m all right” She replied with a big smile on her face and asked “And you?”.

“I’m good .Is good to see you again .Can I come in?” Sophie asked.

“Sure .Let I help you with the bags”.

“Thank you. Be careful not to hurt your little angel”. They both entered the house.

“Sophie would you like some coffee?” She asked.

“What? No girl sit down .I should be the one asking you that kind of question .I will make you coffee”.

A bashful smile appeared on Minnie’s face and said “Why are you treating me like a baby?”

Sophie said “Minnie you are like a sister to me .You are the closest person in my life and I’m here to help you with the house work .So anything you want I will do it for you” .Minnie was comforted by her words and said “Wow .Thank you Sophie”.

“You are welcome” She replied and opened the kitchen cupboard. She took out two mugs preparing them to pour coffee .Minnie asked her a question “How long are you going to stay here with me?”

She said “Until you get back to work .Here you go” She handed her a mug of a steaming coffee and sat on couch.

“Thank you” She said and proceeded “You know since my husband died I been having nightmares about him. In the first dream he had a huge knife on his right hand and walked toward me .Next to me there was a young boy and Mark said to that boy ‘You have no future in this world .I need you to come with me.....’ ”.

“What?” Sophie interrupted her report and asked “And what happened?”

“I woke up and prayed wanting to know what the dream meant” She said and proceeded with another report “In another dream I was strolling with this boy Downtown. Suddenly Mark appeared with a dark horrifying costume .The boy ran away and he came near me saying ‘Why are you making it difficult for me to reach my goal? Like it or not. I’m going to take him away from you’ .I woke up and prayed .Tears rushed down my cheeks because the message of the dream was very clear .I’m going to have a miscarriage Sophie” As she concluded tears emerged from her eyes .She placed a mug on a coffee table and asked “Why is God not listening to my prayer?”.

Sophie said “It’s going to be all right .Trust in God with all your heart” She gently held her hand as a result of comforting her “In all ways submit to him, He will make your path straight .He will change an unpleasant environment of your life into everlasting happiness .He will never let you suffer .Recall the book of  Deuteronomy 20:4 saying ‘The Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory’ .Minnie God will fight for you just be calm”.

“But...Why would my husband want to be my enemy?” Minnie wiped off her tears using a hand and continued “Or...maybe I didn’t fulfil some of his orders?”                 

 “No, no, no” Sophie said “Don’t blame yourself for what you do not know .So honey look your baby has a future in this world .Don’t lose faith in God .If God is for us, who can be against us?”.

“I believe you are right .I cannot allow this demon shape my future for me” She stood up and Sophie followed “I’m very proud of you” She said as she hugged her .Minnie said “Thank you very much for boosting my faith in the Lord” She glanced down saying “Sophie can I ask you one last thing?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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