The Man And Woman In The Rain

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She was running and crying in the rain. It was starting to get dark she knew she was going to have to find a different hotel to stay in she couldn’t go back to the one they were staying at not after the way he broke up with her. She tripped and fell onto the cement busting open her knee open. She swore under her breath and stood up and ran to a bench she sat down on it. She inspected her wound it was pretty bad. Apparently when she fell she ended up landing on a shard of glass. She carefully pulled it out of her knee. Whimpering in pain she bit down on her lip hard to keep from screaming.

Across the street a boy was crying softly. His mother and father had just been killed in a car accident. Then later that day his girlfriend broke up with him. He looked up and saw a girl stumble and fall she ran up to a bench directly across from the one he was sitting on. He watched her pull something out of her leg. Her leg was dripping blood. Before he knew what he was doing he was already standing up and running across the street. He didn’t wait for the walk sign he didn’t even take the time to go to the cross walk he ran across the street. He had to get to her. He ran up to the bench and pulled medical tape out of his backpack she looked at him for the first time he met her eyes and smiled weakly. She smiled back through her tears.

“I’m sorry if this hurts,” he whispered to her then he gently wrapped her leg up. She smiled at him again. He felt his heart race.

“There,” he said finishing up wrapping her leg.

She smiled again he knew she meant it as a thank you.

“Do you want to tell me what happened?” he asked.

She bit her lip and held back tears the events of the night running through her head.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to” he told her.

She looked at him and hugged him. She didn’t know why but she felt like she could trust him. 

“Tori,” she mumbled.

He looked at her confused. “What was that?” he asked.

“Tori,” she said again louder this time “Tori is my name.”

“Oh I’m Jason” he replied.

“Hi Jason” she said and smiled.

“Do you need a place to stay orrrrr………” Jason asked.

“Y-Y-Yes” Tori stuttered.

“Sorry that sounded creepy” Jason said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. 

“It’s ok.” She said and hugged him.

He grabbed her hand. “Come on I’ll take you to the holiday inn” 

“NO!” she yelled then talked at a normal volume “I mean I can find a place to stay”

“Please” he said kindly. “Let me help you”

“Besides” she moved away quickly, the rain still beating down on her back. “I don’t have the money to stay at a hotel.”

“I’ll give you the money to stay at one”

“No Jason I can’t take your money” she said 

He reached for his wallet. Tori quickly tried to block him from grabbing his wallet he didn’t need to pay for her. When she tried to block his hand she accidentally hit his butt. She blushed.

“I-I’m sorry.” she said wide eyed then ran away. 

“Tori! Wait!” he yelled and chased after her.

She let more tears stream down her face she knew she wouldn’t be able to talk to someone while seeming normal or even strong for a while. But this guy he seemed like cared a lot about her. Like he wouldn’t hurt her she stopped running and turned around to talk to him but he didn’t realize her stopping. He ran directly into her she fell backward and they both fell to the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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