Prologue-Part 1

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Hey everyone! I know it's been quite a while, but I want to make this story enjoyable to read, not only for me but for you guys too! I've been re-reading and cringing at what my 13-year-old self was writing, hopefully, this will be lots better! 


Naruto was trying his hardest against Sasuke, all he could think of was his promise to Sakura before he and the others left to bring Sasuke back. ˜"Please Naruto, bring him back- as his teammates it's our duty to bring him back and help him even if he doesn't want it. I know I haven't been the best towards you, but please help me because I can't help him"˜

He dodged Sasuke's Chidori for the tenth time, panting as he barely evaded the sharp chakra. He tried to counter-attack him with a Rasengan, but he wasn't quick enough- Naruto ran chest first into a Chidori. He gasped at the sharp sting, and the blood slowly started leaking out of the wound. Naruto choked on his spit, barely able to continue standing. 

He couldn't stop yet, he powered some chakra to his feet and jumped high above Sasuke. He pushed himself off a nearby cliff and shot towards him, using the force of the wind to power his Rasengan- Sasuke growled and jumped off the ground straight towards Naruto. They met halfway the Chidori and Rasengan colliding at full force. 

The sheer force of the collision nearly blew Naruto back into the sky, but he held on, putting all his strength behind his Rasengan. Naruto wanted to bring Sasuke back to the village with every fiber of his being, he was the closest person he could call a friend. He didn't want his friend to follow the path he was on, Naruto knew revenge brought nothing but pain- and Naruto couldn't stand the thought of someone he cared for in pain. 

Naruto didn't notice but as his emotions rose for his friend, his power rose- and soon, little by little- orange started seeping into the pure blue chakra. Naruto puffed and heaved putting more and more power into the Rasengan. He took a deep ragged breath and screamed "SASUKE!!!"

Naruto knew at that moment he had come on top, Sasuke's knees buckled and the ground caved from underneath him, a crater formed and Sasuke's limp body fell to the bottom. Naruto gasped and caught him before he could crash to the earth. 

After the dust had settled and everything became quiet, Naruto noticed the exhaustion seep into his bones and unconsciousness blacken the outer rims of his eyes. He slaps his face and whispers "Come on Naruto, no time for that now, you need to get back to the village"

Naruto heaves Sasuke onto his back and started running back to the village, desperate to return should Sasuke wake up. Naruto gives little mind to be careful, stumbling as rocks intrude his path, hissing as sharp branches slice his skin. All he has on his mind is returning to the village, on bringing Sasuke home. 

He finally sees the gate guarding the entrance to the village, and there pacing back and forth a worrying Sakura. Naruto uses the last of his chakra to boost himself to the gate, barely making it to Sakura before collapsing, he drops to his knees and gently lays Sasuke down on the ground in front of Sakura. 

Sakura gasps and pulls them both into a hug, she pulls back to thank him and chokes on her words. Naruto looked on the brink of death. He was swaying dangerously, looking as if would drop dead any second. She scrambles to lay Naruto on his back, pushing her chakra into him and letting it heal his injuries. She's only able to do so much but can at least keep him from dying. She turns to Sasuke and sees no immediate injuries and sighs in relief. 

Once Naruto is stable, Sakura allows herself to let loose the tears pooling in her eyes. She gently hugs Naruto and sobs "Thank you so much, you have no idea how much I was worried for the both of you, without you guys I would be nothing, Thank you Naruto, Thank you" 

Naruto giggles and replies "Thank you for not letting me die Sakura, I am just happy to have gotten him home" Sakura gives a wet laugh and helps Naruto up, "I may have stopped you from dying but you're not out of the woods yet, There was only so much I could do. Let's get you two to the hospital to make sure everything is fine"

Naruto stands up and helps Sakura carry Naruto to the hospital, they soon reach the Hospital and rush in the front door. The nurse jumps at the noise and immediately spots Naruto, she glares at the young boy before she notices Sakura and Sasuke. She gasps and calls other nurses over, she asks Sakura what happened. Sakura tells the nurses "We were on a mission, I healed what I could but I'm no expert, my teammate Naruto needs the most attention" The nurse side-eyes Naruto, "Well he looks just fine to-" she couldn't finish her sentence as Naruto collapse on the floor.

-A Week Later- 

Naruto slowly wakes up and notices he is not in his apartment, he sits up quickly and realized where he is. He lets out a puff of air as he recognizes the white walls of the hospital room, he looks around and sees Sakura sitting in a chair close to his bed. "Sakura! How is everyone, are they all okay!?" The pink-haired girl smiles back at him "Everyone is doing just fine, you were the last to wake. Kiba and Choji dealt with a mild case of Chakra poisoning but otherwise are fine, even Sasuke woke a day after you returned" 

The boy let out a puff of air he hadn't realized he was holding, he was relieved that all his friends were okay. Sakura held out her arm "Do you want to go see Sasuke?" Naruto nodded and grabbed onto her arm, as she led him through the hospital Naruto turned to Sakura "You said I was the last to wake up, how long was I out for?" Sakura sighed and replied "About a week, we were all really worried at how long it was taking, but you had a lot of internal injuries and a pretty serious case of chakra poisoning. I'm glad you're awake now though" Naruto stumbled at her words, 'A week!?' He thought incredulously- a deep rumble replied in his mind. It was necessary, I couldn't heal you all at once, it would do more damage than good. You needed rest to be properly healed

Naruto nodded internally Thanks kyu, you didn't have to, Naruto heard a snort, And risk me dying with you? No thanks, now I'm going back to sleep. Naruto chucked and the foxes reply and smiled at Sakura. They soon make their way to Sasuke's room, they both entered and Naruto froze at the sight of Sasuke. 

He was strapped into his bed, gazing out the window. He turned at the sound of people entering and his face turned into that of pure rage at the sight of Naruto "What the fuck are you doing here" This shocked naruto, and he yelled back "What do you mean!? I saved you teme, and that's how you greet me?"  This only seemed to piss off Sasuke more, he pulled against the restraints and growled at Naruto "I didn't need saving at all, and certainly not from you. You ruined my only chance to get revenge and I will never forgive you, you're lucky I'm tied to this bed otherwise you would be dead where you stand. Get out of my sight"

These words that spewed out of Sasuke's mouth hurt Naruto more than any villager has before, he turned on his heel and stalked out of the room, not giving Sasuke another glance.


Well, there's the first re-edited chapter!! Hope it's way better than the other one lol. a quick few things this ~ signified the flashback at the beginning of the chapter, and the plain bold writing is Kurama talking to Naruto. 

Hope you enjoyed it! Until next time


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