Chapter 11

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Refer to the previous chapter if you forgot what's going on...

"Aj, what's wrong?".

I stood up and turned the camera off.

"What're you doing? We only have a few minutes left until rehearsal", Matt said.

My heart raced, I was pacing back and forth, my hands were shaking.

"Aj calm down, what's going on?".
Matt stood up and wrapped his arms around me.

"Talk to me", he put his hands on my cheeks and kissed my forehead.

"I don't know, I don't know why I'm so affected by this", I tried to calm down.

I sat down on the bed. Matt sat next to me and put one hand on my thigh and the other on my back.

"Ok, when Magcon started, I had just found out Carter was on tour, and it was the first time I had seen my best friend in years".

"Ok, go on".

"I assumed that we would end up together, but then I met you. The sweet, funny, talented guy I soon came to love..But Carter didn't know that. He thought we had a chance, but I changed my mind. I want to be with you".

I sighed. This felt more difficult then it should've been..

"I'm, confused", Matt furrowed his brow.

"What I'm trying to say is; I love you but Carter loves me, and I think he's trying to win me back".

My heart stopped when I said that sentence. We sat in silence for a while. Matt had his "thinking face" on.

"Well, I guess we should do something about-"

"No!", I shouted back before he could finish, "I, don't want him to be even more mad".

"How do you even know this?!", Matt was puzzled.

"Jack Johnson told me Carter was talking about it on the way to the airport earlier, and he kept rolling his eyes and doing all sorts of shit towards us!"

I was furious. I realized this whole time I wasn't upset; I was angry, because Carter was trying to take my happiness away.

"Look, if anything else happens let me know alright?", Matt said and kissed my forehead.

"Thank you", I whispered.

I glanced at the time and bolted up.

"We have to go!", I yelled, grabbing Matts hand and running out the door.

At the venue I was quite. I stood on the opposite side of the stage to avoid Carter. Jack and Jack were practicing their songs and the rest of us were standing around. I wasn't paying attention when Aaron walked up to me.

"Hey Aj, you ok?".

"Oh hi Aaron. Ya I'm fine", I answered, bluntly lying.

"You sure? You looked a little lost there for a second", he raised his eyebrows.

"No I've just- I've had a lot on my mind, recently".
Great. I was becoming so paranoid I was stuttering!

"You wanna talk about it?".

I didn't respond for a while; I wanted to talk about my feelings but I just kept bottling them up.

"No. I'm just gonna go get some water".

I walked back stage and to the venue lobby. Searching around for a vending machine, I heard some people talking from around a corner.

"Dude, seriously? That's crazy" .

It was Shawn. I slowly walked closer to them and hit behind the corner to hear better.

"Trust me, it'll work".

Carter. What was he up to?

"Before you know it, they'll be broken up like that".

He snapped as I gasped.

"I think I'm going to be sick"...

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