Chapter 3

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I yawned walking to my room yet again to call it a night after a long day of helping mom in the Ruins. She had been having me clean it up while she went out to get groceries and stuff for the week.
Its been about two years now with me staying here and I've come to know many of the monsters here as well. So I have a lot of friends per say, but really nothing seemed to compare to my friendship with Toriel. She was like a mother and a friend,both being a huge bonus! Which made my life living Underground with her more fun,even though of course I had school,she taught me a lot. Like cooking,defense skills(this included avoiding attacks),and most important history of the many dwellings of this place our "king" called home.

Aperently there was a giant war against the two races,the monsters and the humans.(My side being the humans explained why when I first started living here most of the monsters seemed to be very hostile.) The humans won however and trapped the monsters underground,which is where the name came from, and locked them down here with a magic barrier. Now ever since its been that way! It seems sort of sad and it hurt to hear of the sorrow woven in this short tale,yet there seemed to still be a sliver of hope left for the monsters.
That hope was something that however Tori didn't explain really. She seemed to keep a secret,but I couldn't figure out what it was or why this hope couldn't be expressed and then everyone could be set free. She claimed it to be complicated so I let it be for about a year,till my mind grew curious of course. I started taking books from the shelves late at night,which she trusted me never to read for some reason, and read a little bit each time. Only figuring out bits and pieces.

However today I was on the last book on the do not read list. So I laid down for a bit untill I was sure mom had scuttled off to bed. Then I strode down the hall silently over to the bookshelf beside the fireplace,reaching for a specific book on the top shelf. I pulled it out cautiously and crept back down the hall to my room where I plopped down onto my bed. Dusting the book off a bit,only to find no title.
"Hmm..." I hummed aloud and inquired with myself whether this is the correct book. No matter though, I opened it and sure enough the table of contents had things listed in a row.

Table of Contents

.Pre-History:The War of Humans and Monsters
.Facts About the Core;Including the Myths of the Royal Scientist W.D Gastor
.The Ruins
.Past the Doors;Snowdin and Beyond
.Barrior Breaking Theory
.Kingdom Population History

It was like a treasure trove of information I had been kept from! I cracked open the book fully to the one discussing what lies behind the door of the ruins. Imeadiatly diving into it trying to read as much as possible,I learned quite a bit! I learned there are at least three other places in the Underground,Snowdin,Hotland,and the Core. Odd she hadn't told me about these places before...but I read only a snippet of each place before skimming to Barrior Breaking Theory.
This was what seemed to be most evident. The one thing Toriel told me nothing about!
However I saw the reason as to why she hadn't. It was a bit disturbing actually,not very happy at all.
The truth was that a human soul combined with a monster soul could break the barrier,that was the basics anyway. Our king thought differently though from what this explained,he says here in the book that the monsters would need seven souls,him only owning six. The way to get these souls was to kill a human... I was at great risk then.
It frightened me,so I slammed the book shut,resulting in a big sudden cloud of dust causing me to sneeze.

Toriel jolted awake hearing loud noises and frantically got up out of bed loping to my room in a hurry.
She opened the door slightly to see a book on my bed and me scampering about my room trying to escape the large swarm of dust.
"My child?..."She questioned me looking concerned,but not overjoyed about the book.
I turned to her sneezing again lightly as the dust flew away finally and looked at her countenance. My face going pale realizing she saw the book.
"M-Mom I-" I tried to say.
She only gave me a shake of her head in shame and said,"Give me the book Abigail. This instant."
I looked at the floor awkwardly not wanting to,listening to her foot tap against the floor in wait.
"Abigail Rae. Please,I don't want to have to punish you,give me the book."
She said more stern.
I sighed and walked over to my bed picking up the book and plopping it in her paw-like hands.
"Thank you...Now. Answer me. What were you doing? What's been going on lately with you. Your sneaking around and more silent at night than usual.."
Tori seemed to want to know more worried than angry now,also adding onto her expression making me feel bad.

"I-I...I'm sorry...I'll tell you in the morning...I promise...please go back to sleep..." I mumbled and she agreed that would be best. So she strode back to her room and went to bed. I closed my bedroom door and leaped onto my bed quickly pulling the covers over me as if trying to hide from something lurking in the dark. I felt like I was being watched by some one all the time,or to put it more on point I felt like some one seemed to be standing somewhere in the room. I didn't know who or what it was,but the blankets seemed like a form of protection and comfort causing me to drift off into a relm of sleep.

-------~Time Skip~-----------------------

I awake to a furry paw placed on my cheek causing me to become confused.
It was Tori,who looked worried sick.
"Mom? Why are you-" She stopped me mid sentence wrapping me in a warm hug.
"My child thank goodness your alright! I herd you this morning tossing and turning mumbling something in your sleep. You sounded so frightened! I realized you must have been having a nightmare so I came to check on you only to see you crying." She said.

I felt my cheeks realizing they had been stained with tears. Odd enough I didn't remember a nightmare,or any dream. Funny...
"R-Really? I don't remember anything..." I replied to her,my voice a bit lower on volume than usual. That's when an image flashed in my head,some girl with short brown hair,blood red eyes,a green and yellow striped jumper,blue jeans, and brown boots stood there. Holding something silver and sharp she smiled wickedly as red liquid dripped from it and a bit rolled down from her face.

I shook my head hugging mom back horrified and she pet my hair holding me close.
"My child whatever is wrong its ok...Shhh. Come,lets go eat something. Maybe that will make you feel better" she offered and I nodded shakey.
So she let go and we left my room heading to the kitchen where we helped each other cook. All the while that little girl cackled maniaclly in my head slashing around what looked to be like a knife. Tears welled up in my eyes and I whimpered shaking my heading begging her to go away. Toriel looked at me uncertain as to who I was talking to,however it worked and suddenly the girl was gone from my mind. I sighed with relief clearing the tears from my eyes, then finishing up what I was doing the two of us left to go sit at the table in the living room.

While eating my food I remembered what happened last night. That night surprisingly I was afraid,but seemed to have a want for adventure. An odd thing for me anyway,yet I couldn't ignore it.
I also wanted to go beyond the ruins now,I had memorized every part of it and it seemed lonely now. So I decided to speak up.
"Uhm Tori?..." I piped up.
She look up to me setting down her fork a on her plate.
"Yes my child?" She asked me waiting patiently for my response.
" I uh...I've been wondering. One day soon I wanna..."
I lost my train of thought just thinking about it. I might sound cruel for asking this and I didn't want to,but if I was going to go see other places and meet new monsters Toriel would have to let me go soon.

The thing could I tell her?...

That's all for this chapter. Its a story that will move along slowly because I don't always have the time to write. Either way hope you liked this little chapter.
X"D I got in trouble with goat mom lol
That's all though,Bye!~

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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