Special Agent Styles || Harry Styles AU

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Chapter One - New Guard

"Miss Mathews, your father would like to know if you will be attending dinner this evening," Jacobs speaks swiftly, afraid I will make him tell my father no. No one really ever tells my father no.

"Who will be attending?" I ask politely. I have been raised to be a prim and proper as possible. I even had to attend a special academy for it.

"His royal highness of France; accompanying him will be his Queen and son." I nod and look down at my riders gear, deciding not to have my father kill Jacobs for once.

"I will be ready in an hour," I tell him. "Tell my father I will be attending. Am I to wear a gown or simply anything?"

"A gown would be preferred," he says, giving his usual small bow before exiting the stables to send word to my father. Sighing, I lock my stallion away in her stall and kiss the bridge of her nose.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Doe," I whisper, then make my way up to my room where my ladies have already laid out my dress. I look over the fabric upon my bed and smile at what they've picked for me. It's truly beautiful. It's purple with black accents here and there. The bodice has a gorgeous black lace design and a black beaded 'belt' that's connects it to the skirt. It really is beautiful. (Dress on the side)

"Angelica, your bath is ready," Kenna tells me, handing me my towel. I nod and dismiss her, pulling my gear off and walking into my bathroom. Sinking into the tub, I close my eyes and relax for a few minutes. Tonight is going to be a long dinner. It's not that I don't like the royal family of France, it's that Prince Jackson, of France, is set to be my husband in about three months. Because that's when I turn eighteen. Our wedding is set to be the day after my birthday. On Christmas Day.

It has been set since my birth.

As kids he was always two years older than me. We were the best of friends, never having a care in the world. We often had play dates and spent much time together. As teenagers we grew even closer, occasionally stealing a kiss here and there. Only ever in private though. If my father knew, he would behead Jackson. Wedding or not.

After scrubbing myself down, I get out and let Kenna, my lady, lace up my bodice before slipping on my dress. I slide into my black heels and leave my blonde hair curly. Kenna does my makeup and we both smile at my reflection in my mirror.

"You truly are beautiful, miss," she compliments, just as the door to my chambers opens. I turn around and am greeted by dazzling green eyes and beautiful brown curls. Looking up and down his body, I can see that he is very fit. He also wears a suit, a nice tailored suit. He must be-

"I'm your new guard, Harry Styles. Jacobs was relocated to your younger sister," he tells me. I nod and pull my lip between my teeth. "Shall I escort you down to dinner, princess?"

"Please, call me Angelica," I correct him.

-Harry's POV-

"Styles, you made it!" I turn on my heel to see the king with open arms. I bow politely and smile down at him. The king is on the taller end of the spectrum, but I'm still taller than him. He has trimmed blonde hair and gentle blue eyes.

"Of course. Wouldn't turn down an offer to serve his royal highness," I say, truly meaning it. I've been hired as a guard for the princess. It's one of the highest honors, to serve the royal family.

"Angelica is getting ready I'm her room for tonight's dinner with the French family," he says, confusion coursing through me.

"Pardon, however, I was under the impression I would be guarding Princess MaryWallace."

"Jacobs, Angelica's previous guard will be at Wally's side from now on. You have been assigned to my eldest daughter. I apologize for the confusion." I nod and make my way up to the instructed room. Without knocking I walk in and feel my breath hitch in my throat.

She's gorgeous. Her blonde hair has traces of brown weaving through it. Her eyes are as blue as the rippling oceans of the earth. Her skin is as fair as..as.. I don't even know what to compare it to.. I'm completely at a loss for words. She's as graceful as a doe as she turns around. I'm watching as if in slow motion, as she shows a bright smile. Her teeth are perfectly white and she's just all around gorgeous.

"I'm your new guard, Harry Styles. Jacobs was relocated to your younger sister," I tell her. She nods and I watch as she pulls her perfectly plump lip between her teeth. "Shall I escort you down to dinner, princess?"

"Please, call me Angelica," She corrects me.

I smile and bow slightly before extending my arm for her to take. She does so ever so gracefully and I am still awestruck by her beauty. With my heart beating rapidly, I lead her down the steps and to the dining room where she will be meeting her fiancé and his family for dinner.

As I let her go and take my stance behind her chair against the wall, I feel a strange emotion run through me. I've felt lust, sadness, happiness and any other emotion you can imagine. I have never experienced this before.. Jealousy.

Jealousy for a boy I don't know over a girl I've only just met. Not to mention that I am here to protect her.

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