Welcome to hell

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(Your POV)

I watched as a tall intimidating skeleton came fourth from the other side of the road frisk and I were bound for, he seemed pissed just like my so called family would be when I wouldn't do something right... I watched as him and Sans go through a routine that seemed all to rehearsed. I could tell by the way Sans seemed to only go through the motions, he wasn't there not emotionally at least. I jumped suddenly when I hear a large crack, when I looked down to where Frisk and Flowey were their rock besides them was obliterated. I wanted to quickly go down to protect Frisk but my body was clamped up and frozen in position. 

I hated how my body would always react this way, it clamped up always when I would get beaten. I guess that's how I was numb to the pain I had endured for oh so long... But that doesn't matter now, what matters was that Frisk and Flowey were in danger and I had to do something to avoid them having attention. So I did something I would never do, I brought attention to myself.... "Hey!" I shout just when the taller skeleton known as Papyrus was about to spot the two. I soon had the two skeletons stare up at where I was hiding, though I look confident from the distance I was seriously panicking and internally screaming on the inside.

"You're finally useful Sans in finding a Human..." Papyrus had said as he knocks me down from my perch, I yelp and land into the and heard a large crunch. I turn to look to see my arm bent in an unnatural way. I soon began to scream  in pain as my left arm that I had fallen upon was broken, Papyrus and Sans seemed to both wince as they saw my bone but that didn't stop Papyrus breaking the bone back into place. I whimper as Sans was force to wrap it up tight before Papyrus yanked me by my hair to drag me off to some unknown area.

I began to feel numb as I was dragged through the snow to a place called Snowdin, I only know of that because of the sign at the very front. However, snow was made into Hell so it said welcome to Helldin. I laughed weakly as I was soon thrown into some kind of garage/ prison cell. In one Cage only to be thrown into the next, I thought as I look up at the ceiling while Papyrus was chaining my legs and good arm to the floor.  Soon enough I was able to sit up and saw Papyrus sitting on the opposite side of the bars smirking at me, I was silent as he looked at my arm then back at me.

"I know I'm going to have fun with you" Papyrus said with a smirk as he gripped the bars and stared down at me like I was livestock. I couldn't help but whimper slightly, why couldn't I have happiness just for a little bit? Why must all this torture happen to me? My life, my body, my soul......it's draining me.... draining me into nothing.

~Welcome to Hell occupant you~

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