Chapter 7

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Jack's POV:

I woke up and walked downstairs. My head was pounding and my heart ached. I walked down and saw Mark making breakfast. I was scared to walk any closer in case he was angrier today than yesterday.

"Hey, Sean can you come here please?" Mark asked. He was using my real name he was either really happy to see me or didn't want me around. I walked cautiously over to him.

"What is it, Mark? Do you want to talk about last night?" I asked nervously. Mark tensed up and stopped cooking.

"What's there to talk about?" He asked trying to avoid the conversation. I began to feel sort of panicky and annoyed.

"What do you mean 'what's there to talk about?' There's a lot to talk about. How about 'where do we stand?' Are we still together? You know that sort of thing." I said annoyed. I wanted to know everything.

"Well then since you want to know everything...I don't know where we stand, but right now I think we need some time apart from each other. I found an apartment that will be in your price range while looking nice...I'm sorry Sean." He explained. I felt like I was being choked to death by the rage in me.

"Are you kidding me?! I told you the truth! What more do you want from me?! What can I do to prove to you that I didn't mean it?! I'll do anything, but please Mark don't leave me!" I begged and yelled. I was being pulled by two major emotions anger and fear. These two emotions don't work well together if anything they make things worse. Mark tried to calm me down, but I just got worse.

"Sean you need to calm down." He said putting his hands on my shoulders. I slapped them away and ran out towards the door.

"Sean wait! Sean!" He yelled I snapped.

"Don't call me Sean! I'm leaving since you don't want my presence." I yelled. I ran out the door and once I was far away I began to sob. I ran to an alleyway and crouched to continue sobbing. I wasn't paying attention and heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, their cutie you don't look so good. What's up?" One of those guys from the alleyway. I got up and prepared to fight.

"What do you want?" I snapped already upset. He put his hands up in a surrendering kind of way.

"I can see that you're upset just wanting to make sure that everything was good." He said being sincere. I shook my head.

"No, I'm not fine...I don't know what I am." I said still sobbing. He patted my back and began to walk away.

"Hey, do you have a razor?" I asked. He looked at me confused, but he gave me his razor anyway. I looked at it admiring the sharpness of it.

"Thanks," I said. I pulled out a needle that I had. It had morphine in it from when I was in the hospital.

"Time to be at peace for the first time in forever," I said to myself looking at my tools.

Mark's POV:

I felt terrible about how things ended, but I thought maybe he does need a good walk to take his mind off of it. After 2 minutes I got a phone call.

"Hello, this is Mark," I said.

"Mark oh thank God I got a hold of you!" Nicole said nervously. I starting to get worried.

"Nicole, what is it?" I asked starting to get nervous.

"Where's Jack did something happen? He hasn't shown up to work yet and he's never late. I tried to call, but it went to voicemail. Mark, I'm worried." She said panicking. I immediately thought of Jack telling me he was depressed and how he's attempted to commit suicide before he met me.

"Nicole I'm going to look for him I'll talk to you later," I said hanging up the phone. I ran out the door and went from alleyway to alleyway to try to find him. I found him and not in the shape I would want to find him. He was laying on the concrete ground and he was high. I looked and saw a razor with some blood on the blade. I looked and saw the cuts on his wrists.

"Jack! Jack can you hear me?! Please say something!" I yelled to see if he was responsive. He opened his eyes and they were glazed over I couldn't see where my Jack was anymore.

"M...Mark why are you here? Why do you care? Leave me all the other worthless walks of life." He said high as a kite. I couldn't bear it so I grabbed him and held him bridal style to the hospital.

"Help me, please! He doesn't have much longer! Please help!" I yelled. They took him and got him stable, but he couldn't wake-up he was in a catatonic state.

"Jack...I'm so sorry I didn't mean to cause this," I said beginning to cry. Nicole walked in and sat next to him.

"Mark you've got some explaining to do." She said in a stern voice. I sighed and got up. I told her everything that had happened to us.

"Mark you are a jerk! You knew he was sensitive to that kind of thing and you knew that his worst fear is losing you! I can't believe it!" She yelled. I began to feel sort of like a jerk. She was right.

"You're right, but I just think maybe that we need some time apart from each other..." My words were cut off by Nicole.

"Well, obviously you don't know Jack, do you? He loves you more than life itself. Without you, his world has no meaning. He talks about you non-stop at work." Nicole said annoyed. I felt worse with every word she said because I knew it was true.

"Hey how about we wait till he wakes up? See what he thinks." I say trying to end the conversation before I begin to cry. After a few days, but it felt like a century Jack finally woke up.

"Jack, how've you been?" I asked.

"Mark...why are you here? Why didn't you let me die?" Jack asked.

Jack's POV:

I felt a mix of anger and happiness. I was happy to see him and mad at the same time.

"I couldn't live with myself if you died Jack please I'm sorry I drove you to nearly killing yourself," Mark said sounding sincere, but I couldn't forgive him for believing that I'd betray him.

"Well I'm fine now I don't need your help anymore. You can leave now." I said believing that I didn't need his pity or care. Mark sighed and walked out Nicole walked beside my bed.

"Hey, I heard what happened you can stay with me if you need a place to crash." She offered. I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah of course thank you, Nicole," I said happily to have a friend. Maybe Mark was right maybe we needed some time apart from each other. I was wrong so very wrong.

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