The Newbies

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After what seemed like forever Yuri and Victor's students Molly and Micheal finally arivied from America. Yuri and Victor met them from when they started the duet skating competitions last year after they won gold at the China Cup and bronze at the Grand Prix Final. After that Victor and Yuri decided to settle down and get married and promised they would be their personal trainers for the next couple seasons.

When they arrived at their house they ran over and almost squeezed them too death "Yuri Victor we missed you so much!", "Yup we missed you too. Please stop before we die." Molly and Micheal grew very close to them and all their other skater friends over the year. Because of Molly's anxiety and how close her and Micheal were no one expected them to open up to them as much as they have. 

After they arrived at the gym their coach Sarah wanted them to start with some jumps for warm ups. Molly perfectly landed a triple axel but Micheal struggled with the landing. After they won bronze they decided to work on their single skating Molly was always better with jumps their style was being separate and getting everyone excited while everyone else was close and sexy. Michael tried a triple toe loop and just landed it.

After practice they all went out to eat at Yuri's parents inn and then headed back to their home. After they retired and decided to get married (I mean they're basically engaged already) they bought a home in Japan that had 3 bedroom 2 bathrooms and everything else so when ever Molly, Micheal, and their coach came over they had a place to stay. Everyone was super tired so they went to bed immediately but Yuri and Victor decided to get intimate that night (not even gonna write about what happens so imagine something).

The next day everyone woke up but Yuri was feeling a bit off that day and slept in later then everyone so he woke up to them playing On the Wii U they had. Victor was the first to greet Yuri and pulled him into a hug and said "Good morning beautiful". He said then kissed Yuri on the lips. They decided to wait for Yuri to get up before they ate but after they were finished Yuri didn't feel so good and ran into the bathroom and got sick. Victor went in after and told him to stay home while they went to practice.

After they left Yuri went back to bed because he felt so tired. He then had a dream where he was in a dark room all alone and turned around and saw all his friends and family but then they started to disappear one by one "Uh?" Yuri said he then realized they were all leaving him "Wait no stop!" He ran over to them but they all disappeared he was on the floor crying and then turned around and saw Victor "Victor..." Then he started to disappear "Wait what no not you too! Please stay don't leave!" Then he was all alone crying on the floor then all of a sudden his stomach started to grow and grow in size until it wouldn't grow anymore "What's going on please make it stop!" Then he was in awful pain and saw everything start to go dark. *Gasp* Yuri woke up shaking and crying with Makkachin sitting on the floor next to him "Makkachin what happened..." He then ran to the bathroom and got sick again "What does it mean..." He said as he sobbed on the floor.

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