The Problem

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It's been one month since Yuri started getting sick and his stomach bug or food poisoning or whatever he had was not going away and even worse was for some reason Makkachin was getting really clingy to him. In a couple days all their friends and competitors would be there. Every time they would get close to a major competition they would invite all their friends over and they would all stay at Yuri's parents inn either training or relaxing whatever. But because Yuri and Victor have been so busy with life he couldn't just go to the doctors office but after something came up and one of their errands they had got canceled Yuri immediately went to the doctors.

Luckily the office wasn't that busy so he was able to see a doctor fairly quickly. Yuri was waiting to be called back when he saw a mother and her child playing with the toys they had and sighed. He dreamt about the day him and Victor would have a child of their own. But Yuri knew they wouldn't be able to have one with their own DNA they wouldn't have Victors beautiful aqua eyes, or his silver hair (or gray idk), or Yuri's dark hair. After getting lost in his thoughts he was called back.

When the nurse left and did the normal weight, height, blood pressure etc. The doctor came back "Hello Yuri I'm Dr.Crystal so you claim to be having a bad stomach flu for at least a month now. Would you mind telling me what's been going on?", "Of course well it started about a month ago and I woke late because I was still tired when I woke up earlier, and then after me and my husbands guests ate breakfast I couldn't keep it down and threw up." She wrote down notes on her computer "Okay and you've been getting sick and have been feeling tired since then?", "Yes that's why I thought it was the stomach bug but now I don't know anymore." After that she decided to run some tests and by some there was a lot. They did useless ones like eye sight, saliva. And some useful ones like blood, urine, X-Ray.

After all the results came back which took forever the Dr.Crystal didn't know how to explain what he had. "I'M WHAT?!??", "Mr.Yuri sir you need to calm down. I know it seems crazy but yes you are pregnant". Yuri  buried his head in hands and started sobbing "Ho-how is this possible...", "It seems you're a carrier.", "A what?", " There's two possible ways for a man to be able to get pregnant. Either one they're a transgender and originally a women before and they left the womb and other reproductive organs in or two on the very rare occasion the man was born with a womb and is able to carry a fetus". 

After much convincing Dr.Crystal was able to get Yuri to get an ultra sound. Yuri was moved to a different room with an ultra sound machine. "Yuri I'm gonna need you to take your shirt off". Yuri did as he was told and took off his shirt and laid down on the table. The doctor put some cold gel on his stomach and waved a wand on it. The screen was black and fuzzy but in the middle was a white blob that was moving "And that's your baby". Yuri couldn't keep his composure and started to cry even more. The doctor printed him out a picture stuck it in his pocket and went on his way. Now Yuri's next decision is gonna be what's his plans with him and his babies future and more importantly was he gonna tell Victor or how he was gonna react...

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