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Harleys pov 

I woke up to someone shaking my arm. First I thought it was Mr. J but instead of being greeted by his dark haunted eyes. I awoke to a red mask. "Get up, come on we have to go get up." He said. I stretched and looked at him." Why were we going." I said just to make you mad." It's none of your business, so get up and let's go." He said with sarcasm dripping from his words. I got up out of the car stretched again and started walking with him. It felt like we were walking for hours. You're walking I noticed our scene we were no longer in Gotham." Where are we." I asked starting to panic. "Well little red we still are in Gotham were just farther out of Gotham. Heading to an abandoned airfield to catch a flight there to New York." He said. "Why New York why not any other place what's so special about New York." I ask genuinely curious he never answered my question he just turned and kept walking.

red hoods pov

I never answered her question because I didn't want to tell her the reason we were going to New York was it's one of the farthest place is away from the Joker. After another hour of walking we finally reached the airfield just like he said Mac was there making sure the plane was ready to fly. "Hey hood right on time. Well you actually did it you actually have the Joker's girl now I see why he kept her hidden she's a beauty". Mac said looking straight at Little red. "Yeah Mac she's a beauty aren't you little red." I said staring straight at her. "Why do you keep calling me little red what is that some sort of nickname you have for me we barely even know each other." She said anger touched in her eyes. I looked over her and said. "I call you that because you're small, and you wear a lot of red." She turned from me and stared at the run way I could tell she was really mad. "Well Mac you ready to go oh I almost forgot here's your pay." I said tossing him a bundle of cash. She kind of fought me to get on the plane, but I won in the end she is now handcuffed to one of the chairs. "Mr. J finds you he's going to kill you." She yelled in my face. Her face was so close to mine I Just couldn't take it anymore so I leaned in and kissed her soft lips. She was shocked by this but she kissed back.

The kiss went on for a while. We finally had to pull away for air. We finally caught her breath I looked at her and she looked at me. Our lips met again in a fierce fight


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter but here it is

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