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'OUCH! Stop, st- STOP IT PANSY! Argh, fuck, I think I broke a rib.' Draco sat down on his bed, a painful expression on his face which was paler than usual.

'You're an ungrateful bastard' Pansy flopped beside him pouting 'the whole Slyntherin house knows I'm the best on giving massage'

'Well, I better look for someone from other houses then' Draco made another pained expression as he got up. 'I can't, I can't walk. Argh, fuck!' He laid down slowly. Pansy only stared at him from the door, the look on her a face a mixture of pity and remorse.

'I'll get someone. Even though you were a little bitch just now.' She glared at him before leaving.

It'd started three days before then. He was getting ready on Wednesday morning to practice quidditch. Everything was fine when he bent down to tie his shoelaces, but the second he straightened his back an acute pain hit him on his hips. It'd gotten worse the past two days to the point now he couldn't even sit properly without feeling it.

He laid there, thinking maybe he would have to look for Madam Pomfrey after all. But fuck, those potions always messed up with his stomach, he'd do anything to avoid taking them even if it meant asking for someone he didn't know to give him a massage. Pansy had told him she knew what she was doing but at the end it'd only worsened it.


'It's for a friend, you see. He's in a lot of pain at the moment and I was hoping you knew someone good on giving massages' Pansy flopped down on a chair at the eighth year common room.

'Well,' Hermione started, closing her arithmancy book. 'I do, but... who exactly is this friend of yours?' She gave Pansy a look that could be translated as 'Are-we-talking-about-who-i-think-we-are-talking-about?'

'Draco' Pansy sighed, predicting the other's answer. 'But... I swear he'll behave. And you owe me this one, right? After I brought you those French hair products' Pansy smirked.

'You really are a Slytherin' Hermione sighed 'but they were actually amazing. I'll help you with this one but I can't guarantee it'll go well.'

Pansy gave her a quick hug, grinning. 'Who is it then?'

'Harry' Hermione murmured to herself.

Pansy gasped and then laughed until tears were streaming down her face.

'Holy. Shit. Are you sure he'll want to do it?'

Hermione gave her a little smile.

'He owes he a favor'

Pansy's giggling was catching the attention of everyone around them.

'Who's the Slytherin one now?'


'Tell me how amazing I am'

The girl bursted inside his dorm an hour after she'd left to find Draco in the same position.

'You found someone?' He got up, regretting the decision immediately. 'Ah, shit! Are they outside? Please tell me they're outside'

'They'll be here in ten' Pany sat by his side and poked his cheek 'go on, tell me how amazing I am'

'You're amazing' he grunted. When he looked at his friend, though, she wasn't paying attention, busy with a little pink bag Draco hadn't noticed she'd brought before. 'What-'

'Oils. For the massage' she smirked and Draco felt blood going to his cheeks.

'There's no need for that'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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