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[Y/n] had lived in [not Paris place] for a long as he could remember. So why? Why had his mother decided to move from their beloved home? He didn't want to ask. His mother seemed so happy. Turning to look at his home one last time, the young male entered the car and was off to the airport. "At least I have you." His voice was soft as the rabbit kwami, Taro, emerged from his bag.


After hours of traveling, [Y/n] had finally arrived to his new home. It was much bigger than he expected, almost like a mansion. He admitted that his mother was quite the wealthy person, as well as a famous designer, but the view was still surprising. " you like it?" The boy's mother wore a nervous smile, afraid he was going to say "I wanna go home" or something of the same context.

"It's perfect." That was all he said. Men started unloading all their stuff, and as soon as his belongings got into his room, [Y/n] started working to put his room together. His mother could only hear things being moved around and lots of muttering from her son.

It took him just about all night, but he finished most of the boxes. Only a few remained. Ms.[L/n] smiled gently as she walked in on the sleeping male. The lady walked over and tucked him in, moving the stray [h/c] locks from his face. She used the rest of her time to finish fixing up his room then turned off the light and left.


It had been already 3 weeks since he had moved to Paris, yet the quiet male still had no friends. He had mostly stayed inside, deciding he would wait until school started. Speaking of that hell, it was going to start the next day. [Y/n] had multiple reasons on why he didn't want to go.

1) There are people at school.

2) Everyone in Paris knows his famous mother.

3) Did I mention people?

His mother had made him clothes already, which consisted of a black turtleneck and [L/n] brand jeans. She had also ordered him [f/c] converse with it, along with a matching book bag. There was no way he could ever reject gifts from his mother. All his supplies were organized inside his bag as well as a small pouch he had sewn for Taro to comfortable hide in. His new school would be Collège Françoise Dupont.

[note: I have gotten a lot of comments regarding the correct word for highschool, however I am simply using the canon school they attend in MLB. So please excuse my mistake.]

As much as he was ready, [Y/n] was sure he wouldn't have much fun. There would be no more villains to fight off. Well, at least he thought so. The young boy had no idea what moving to Paris would do for him.

"[Y/n]!! Dinner time!" His head perked up as he heard the voice. Happily hearing that call, he hopped down the stairs and went into the dining room. The mouth-watering aroma of [f/f] filled the air and his [e/c] eyes searched the room for his plate. "That was fast."

[Y/n] sat at the table and waited for his mother to give the signal. She nodded, letting him know that it meant he could start eating. They began their meal, staying silent at first. "Are you nervous?" she asked, already knowing the answer. He swallowed his food then nodded curtly. "Don't be. If you need anything, just tell me.." The lady gave him a small smile.

[Y/n] tried returning it, failing. It wasn't long until there was nothing left on his plate. He wiped his mouth and made sure to sneak some lettuce for his beloved kwami. "Thank you for the meal." He then left upstairs to set his alarm and get ready for bed.


Hello everyone! I'm sorry for the pretty crappy intro (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Please leave a comment and hope you like this book~

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