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"You look lost."

[Y/n] jumped at the sudden voice, turning to face Chat Noir in all his glory. He averted his gaze, looking towards the ground. "I am."

"Well then, it'd be a crime to not help you~" With a flamboyant wave of his hand, the cat-based hero grinned. "Allow me to take you home. I know this city like the back of my paw." 

The friendly mannerisms and cute boasting soothed the anxiety of social interaction [Y/n] was currently facing. A small smile made its way to rest on his features. "I would like that Mr..."

Obviously, the petite student was aware of the other's name, but Chat needn't know that.

"Chat Noir, at your service." He said cooly, walking over in a confident manner. He paused for only a second. "Ehem... You don't mind if I pick you up, do you?" 

"Oh." [Y/n] hesitated in his answer but then shook his head. "I uh, don't mind."

The air was awkward, but not so it was uncomfortable (oddly enough). Flustered giggles were shared between the two teens. Without batting an eye, Chat hoisted him up and was off.

"Maybe I should've asked beforehand, but uh, where do you live?" 

The boy in his arms looked away, blushing in an embarrassed fashion. He hadn't gotten a chance to memorize his address yet, crap...

It was no problem, however, because simply knowing a place nearby was enough for the hero.

Chat hurried now, his miraculous slowly draining on its own. He perched on the balcony of his room, putting [Y/n] down. The blonde smiled cheekily, sending a playful wink [Y/n]'s way. 

"Thank you." 

"It's what heroes do, pretty boy." Chat felt giddy upon hearing the soft chuckle that erupted from the shorter [blonde/redhead/etc]. He saluted and then turned to leave. "If you ever get lost again, you know who to call!"

With that, he disappeared from [Y/n]'s sight.


The next day was uneventful for everyone.

Just another day of classes that lasted like a bajillion hours. At least that was what Nino kept whining about. Of course, it only brought a sliver of entertainment for his classmates (who were also bored out of their MINDS).

"Oh, Marinette.." [Y/n] reached forward to tap her on the shoulder lightly. Immediately, she turned around, practically beaming. He was worried about her neck. 

"[Y/n]! Hi, yes, what do you need?"


That was a dull sentence (if you could consider it one) and frankly, hard to interpret. Marinette didn't seem to falter, judging by the ever-present grin. "You need a pencil?"

"No." He pointed at the ground, making her look at a fallen pencil that looked much like one of her own...

"Oh!" She picked it up, also finding her eraser by the edge of the walkway. With a sheepish rub of her neck, she looked back at the [h/c] haired male. "Hehe...Thanks..."

A curt nod was her response.

Adrien had watched with curious eyes the entire time, not sure what to make of the conversation. He wasn't weirded out by the fact [Y/n] was simply being helpful. No not at all! It was just... the way he helped.

"Hey," Adrien quietly greeted his neighbor, waving shortly. The [blonde/redhead/etc] looked at him for a second then smiled, bowing his head as if to acknowledge the other's existence. Adrien awkwardly coughed, unsure how to ask his question. "Uh..Why didn't you just..tell her? You know, about her pencil?"

"I did."

Emerald eyes seemed to twinkle as Adrien laughed. He looked at the teacher, who was at her desk, grading papers (probably). "You did it again."


"That!" Seeing the way [Y/n] scrunched up his face in confusion was adorable, not gonna lie. The blonde once again let himself chuckle. "You use the least amount of words."

The male seated beside him made an 'o' shape with his mouth, finally understanding. He looked at his hands shyly, a ghost of blush on his cheeks. "..not used to.."

Adrien furrowed his brows, tilting his head. "Sorry I didn't hear you."

"I'm not used to talking. With people. Like in conversations." The structure was definitely odd, and sorta concerned the blonde about how much [Y/n] got out. "I'm learning."

"Mr.[Y/n], is everything alright?" Ms.Caline Bustier had finally looked up from her desk, her face showing gentle concern. The said student continued to look at his lap, nodding hastily in response, cheeks red. He didn't enjoy being called out (even if it was no harm). "If you need help, feel free to ask your classmates, alright?"


She beamed happily, coral lips stretching into a sweet smile. "That being said, 10 more minutes before we hand in our poems!" The class sighed but chimed in understanding.

Adrien looked at [Y/n] once again. "Is poetry hard for you?"

"No. It's in fact..something I like." [Y/n] said quietly, not wishing to catch his teacher's attention again. His expression seemed a little brighter though. "Thank you."

"Your-uh..For what?" The blonde chuckled, wondering if maybe his friend had slipped up a conversation again.

"For talking. To me." He gave Adrien a content look, then smiled, returning to his work. The young model felt his face flush, visibly swallowing. With a feverish nod, only one thought plagued Adrien's mind. 

Uh oh.


This chapter sucks, let's admit it...

Sorry if some sentences sound weird? I have a certain way I talk (it involves heavy slang and cut up words) and sometimes I let it infect my writing !!

anyway I hope you enjoyed this short chapter~!


edit #2: we're good, thanks

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