The Secret Life of Sarah Pensley

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3...2...1...Lets do this. The crowd roars with excited outbursts of joy as she steps on the stage. Behind her the band plays the already well known song as it is ranked number 1 on the charts. She starts the opening line of her song, her favorite of them all.  A smile comes across her face as in this moment is all she’s ever wanted.  She can hear them chant her name ‘Sarah, Sarah, Sarah!’. She steps forward into the light sending the flares on the side of the off into the air.

“WATCH IT!,” the girl spat, shoving her against the locker. The girl walked off to a group of her friends, leaving Sarah scrambling to get her papers before the bell rang. She was going to be late again and she knew it. It was the fourth time this week and it was only Tuesday. 

She walked into the classroom late usual, not that she could help it. As soon as the walked in all eyes were on her, not like before, not with the anticipation of the adorning crowd. She shuffled quietly to her seat in the back of the class, ignoring the scorn filled look from her overly aged and quite unsatisfied teacher. The old woman droned on and on about the ‘Importance of Timeliness’, as she had for the past month, and how very important people rely on timeliness everyday. 

“Sorry I’m late Elizabeth,” apologized Sarah “There was a sudden request in Paris, and oh-I just HAD to stop.” She gracefully sat down in beautiful oak chair in the marvelous rose garden. “Not a problem dear, I know how busy things can be at times like these, so many new things to try” the Queen remarked calmly. Of course, Paris had delayed her, but not only that. The paparazzi swarmed her today more than ever. In the corner of her eye she could she the fans, eager to see her just for one brief moment. Their signs waving in the air, they had always been drawn to her. Truth be told, she had always been fascinating.  

“SARAH!” an unpalatable high pitched voice croaked. Sarah jumped at the sound of her name. “Welcome back Ms. Pensley, glad you could join us,” The old bat’s voice dripped with sarcasm “would you mind paying attention, or is that poster more important than whether you fail this class, not that I would care either way.” How much she hated this class was indescribable, but soon she would be out of here. Soon she would be free. She pushed up her irritating glasses and started to read the paragraph aloud. Her classmates snickered at her every time she couldn’t enunciate a word correctly. They always laughed at her. She was either too smart or too dumb, boring or weird, awkward or rude. She could never please them, not that they bothered trying to get to know her. She finally finished the never ending paragraph. The bell rang, she could leave this place at last. 

“Get back here!” the man shouted. Sarah looked at the man with a wicked, sly smile, as she ran through the gate into the jungle.  She sprinted past the twisting vines and trees. She could hear him behind her, but she knew she could make it. She had been waiting and planning. A bullet whizzed past her head as another grazed her thigh. She bounded over a log in her path, feeling a pop in her knee. She fought the pain. She was too close to give up now. The adrenaline was rushing through her veins as she finally broke through the trees. She looked back at the jungle hearing her angered  captors shouts. She looked out over the ocean, a sight she hadn’t seen in a long time. “COME HERE TO ME!” The man shouted, breaking through the brush. He fired his gun aiming to wound her in the thigh, but only revealing he was out of bullets. Sarah laughed, which only angered the man more. This time she could make it. She would be free. “Not this time, Angus” She grinned as she took a step back, falling into the depths of the ocean.

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