~Chapter 1~

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Kazumi's POV: (13 Years old)

My heart was racing. I couldn't just wait here while mommy and daddy are fighting! I have to go out there....I have to help them.

Author's POV:

"Yumi, We're outnumbered,  we should get out of here while we can." Marcus spoke to his wife and meister. "No way! I can't leave all these people behind! How could I face Kazumi knowing I acted cowardly? We need to do this, Marc." Her voice stern, talking back at her two-handed keltic sword. "Alright, now let's kick some a-"  "MOM! DAD! ARE YOU OK?!" That voice.... "Kazumi, no! It's dangerous, you could get killed!! Go back and hide!" Marcus yelled. "But why? I had to know if you were ok!" Kazumi's voice was concerned, her parents were hurt badly enough, she just wanted them home and safe. "We're fine honey! Now you have to get out of here!" "My, isn't this sweet? A young girl brave enough to come out in the middle of a war, just to see if her parents are safe? I'm touched!" A witch with blonde short hair wearing black slithered over on top of two snakes. "STAY AWAY MEDUSA! LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS!" Marcus spoke with the rest of his strength,  knowing what could happen next. "Oh but I don't want to miss out! Now let's have a little fun! Who's up first? how about... YOU!" She lunged toward Kazumi, a sinister smile plastered on her face. Kizumi was bracing for the stike, yet felt nothing. She slowly opened her eyes, her face striken with horror. "MOOOOM!!!! DAAAD!!! Wake up! C'mon,  please! we were gonna tell stories togethrr after this was all over, you promised, remember?!"

No response.

"This was all your fault, you know."

That one sentance was all it took. Kazumi bursted out in tears, unaware that medusa was slowly inching toward her, hungry for bloodlust. She never got close enough though, because of one person.

And that was Violet Stevenson.

"You stay away! Don't come any closer!" Violet and Kazumi were always friends, but became close friends recently, and with violet being a bow and arrow, she turned her arms into arrows and began shooting them. Violets parents are envolved in this war as well, that was the only reason she was out here in the first place. She guessed Kazumi did the same thing. Violet's parents were holding out, when weapons and meisters started to retreat, along with the witches knowing they won.

Medusa began laughing. "I guess today isn't my day for fighting, hope to see you two again soon~" She sang mockingly as she walked away. Violet didn't say or do anything. She actually felt relieved,  she doesn't have a chance against a witch and she knew it, but why did she leave? She thought about it as Kazumi lay there sobbing.

That was the day they became partners.

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