Chapter 1 - Who are you?

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Heyy this is my first story that i have ever written!! like ever but dont worry it wont suck hopefully :) my very special friend helped me write this and so did my sister!! i had to do this story for my english class but it was supposed to be a short story but i thought i could do more with this..... HOPE you love it!! i also dedicate this chapter to MCRLover01 because she welcomed me to wattpad with open arms!!! she has amazing things that she has written soo check it out!!


Bright lights invaded his sights forcing Xenos to open his aching eyes, only to find a white ceiling glaring back at him. The fan was blowing a soft breeze on his dry face. He looked through the big window to the side of his bed, trees dancing to the sound of the wind. He turned his head to the other side and came to see a room that looked like a hospital. 'Wait! Where am I?' he thought. As soon he thought those words, a man who looked like he was in his early 20's spoke, "Oh my lord! He's awake!" The guy hit something above his head and it made a beeping noise.

This man looked like an average pretty boy minus those huge nerdy glasses, which were hiding his intelligent dark-blue grey eyes. His dirty blonde hair cut neatly with a bit over his masculine face. "Man you're finally awake!" Xenos glanced at him, confused. He just talked to him like a really close friend would. This made him think, 'Who is he?'

"Where am I?" He spoke, as soon as he said those words, he wish he hadn't. His throat started burning. The Nurses finally came rushing in. The first thing they did was give Xenos a glass of room-temperature water. He quickly drank all of it but it didn't quench his thirst. The guy with the huge glasses gave Xenos a look of deep sorrow.

"Xenos you're in the hospital." He explained. "I don't know how to break it to you man, but you were in a coma. A coma for 2 years." He didn't understand. Why did he just call him Xenos? His name isn't Xenos it's... 'What's my name? Who am I? Who is that guy?' He thought. He was so confused.

"Who are you?" Xenos spoke to the blonde guy. The guy then says, "Wait! You don't remember me?" Xenos shakes his head. The guy looks surprised. "No you're joking! Please tell me you're joking! You couldn't have forgotten me!" Xenos replies "No, I am not joking. Who the heck are you?"

The guy starts saying "It's me! You're Uncle! Uncle-." He got cut off because a doctor came rushing in. The doctor was half bald with greying hair. He had laugh wrinkles all over his face. His blue eyes showed off a lot of wisdom. 'Over all he looked like a pretty nice guy.' Xenos thought.

"Ah Xenos Barker, you have finally awoken from your slumber." The doctor said smiling softly. He came around to Xenos and sat at his bed side. He checked his heart beat, his blood-pressure and all those other things doctors usually do. The whole time his "Uncle" was looking at him with a blank expression. Xenos felt a bit uneasy with his stare.

The tension broke when the doctor finally spoke, "Everything looks great! But I would suggest if you, Xenos try to eat a lot for a few months. You are very weak, after all you have been in a coma for quiet a while." Xenos's supposed uncle came rushing towards the doctor and whispered something in his ear. Whatever he told him, the doctor's eyes widened and turned to Xenos.

"Xenos son, do you remember who this young man is?" pointing toward his Uncle. Xenos was getting impatient. He had no idea what was going on.

"NO I DON'T KNOW WHO HE IS, WHO YOU ARE AND WHY I WAS IN A FREAKIN' COMA!" He said yelling. After a few seconds, Xenos's face softened up, he felt bad for screaming at the doctor. He looked at him with apologetic eyes. The doctor just smiled nicely. He then said "My, my. I think he has amnesia." He said looking at his uncle, who had pain written all over his masculine face.

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