Chapter 3 - Cookies

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OMG!! so tired but wrote this for you guys today.. hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)


Isobel started the car and was careful so she wouldn't have an accident. Of all days she hoped she wouldn't, Xenos just came from the hospital. She didn't want him to go back. As she looked at Xenos for a quick second, he was frozen and looking at her with wide eyes and his mouth hanging open.

"What's wrong? Dude close your mouth, you might catch flies." She said giggling. What was he all suprised about?

" We're going to your Mother's house?" He said gulping out of anxiety.

"Well yeah she did want to come visit, exspecially after so long." She paused and looked up to see Xenos looking skiddesh. is he worried?

"Xenos are you afraid of meet my Mom? Because you've already-"

"Nooo i'm not worried, why would I be worried i'm perfectly- Wait, did you say i've already met her?"

Xenos relaxed a little. Atleast he wouldn't have to get judged by her. 'Wait does her mother even like me?' Xenos thought.

"Yah! You've met her. She absolutley adores you. She always made cookies for you and only for you. She doesn't make anyone else any, trust me I tried!" she started smiling remembering Xenos eating more than a dozen of her mother's cookies, and then letting her have only two. He didn't like sharing them because they were 'oh so' special and made expecially for him. That loser also thought if she had too much she would get fat. But she knew he was joking because he would laugh whenever he said it.

Xenos started to get exited! His stomach started grumbling. "Oh those cookies sound so yummy, now my stomach is grumbling. How long until we reach your house?" He looked at Isobel and saw that she was smiling to herself.

"Hello? Are we there yet?" Waving his hands in front of her face. As he did that, Isobel jerked out of suprise and so did the car. The car moved from side to side.

"OH! sorry! umm let's see." she looked at her GPS. "Umm, we are about there now, its just going to be a few minutes. dont get your panties in a twist." She looked at Xenos apologetically and saw him holding the seat really tightly in one hand and holding his stomach in the other looking at her.

All he did was nod, to let her know she understands.

For the rest of the ride it was awkward. When they reached Isobel's house Xenos started to get jumpy. He was anxious to eat food after so long.

Isobel turned to him and said, "Hey Xenos, my Mom is probably gonna be up in your business as in hugging you and asking you a lot of questions. she might start to break down and start crying. you were like a son she never had. Your accident has traumatized her a lot so take it easy and please dont weirded out. She just loves you. She also hasn't been told you don't remember anything so-"

"Why haven't you told her?" Xenos thought, the least they could do was tell her.

"Well since we've come to the hospital if you haven't noticed but we haven't really had time to call her and that it would be just so rude if you told her on the phone and leave her wondering."

She was right. Xenos slowly got out of the car and walked slowly behind Isobel. Feeling like he wanted to hide. But he couldn't. They reached the door and Isobel. She knocked on it and waited.

"Wait, this is your house. why dont you just open the door?" Xenos said, looking at the single family home.

"Well the thing is i don't live here anymore and-"

She got interupted when her mother came barging from the door and started hugging Xenos like no tomorrow. She looked nothing like her daughter. She has a plump face and had long golden hair that was tied neatly at the back. She was way shorter than Xenos and Isobel. Isobel's pretty short, so that's saying something.

"OH Xenos!! How are you? I missed you so much and always knew you would wake up. How is your uncle, nevermind you dont like calling him uncle cus he's you best friend-"

"Mom! Stop attacking Xenos. Can we go inside, we need to talk. Xenos is a bit hungry so can we get in as soon as possible." Isobel said a bit rudely.

Xenos wondered why she moved out of her mother's home. She's only 17. And why was she so rude to her.

"Oh yes. Hello Isobel. Come on in you guys." They entered the home. The first thing that caught Xenos's eyes were all the pictures of Xenos and Isobel. In all the photos he saw a younger versions of him and Isobel holding hands smiling at each other. There was one that caught his eye. He saw a picture of him and Isobel with a girl that was no older than 10. She had black hair like him exept longer, but had really dark brown eyes scrunched up from laughing.she had the same skin tone as him, but it had more life in it. she was between him and isobel hands over there shoulders. She had her head resting on Xenos's shoulder. His eyes started watering. That was his little sister.

"Xenos shhh.. It's ok. Come on let's go over there." He nodded and left the picture with regret, wanting to stay and look at it. He followed Isobel to the living room, there were a couple of sofas on the side of the walls and a coffee table in the middle.

"I'll go and get some food for you guys i'll be a minute."

They both nodded there heads. There was a earie silence when her mother left. Xenos felt sad and angry. He didnt remember anything, He didnt rememeber his life with Isobel, his little sister, his parents, or even Adam. His eyes started welling up with tears. He tried to hold them back but he couldn't. He felt Isobel hug him. He hugged her back. He felt so lonley, so afraid.

He wiped his tears and smiled, trying to switch the mood. "So what do I call your mother?"

Isobel also smiled up towards him. "Well just call her Mom. She used to love it when you called her that."

"Oh ok." Xenos said.

At that note, Isobel's mother came with a bunch of food that looked so delicious, that Xenos almost forgot about his sadness. Almost.

"Here you go Xenos! All your favorite foods. Hamburger, fries, Coca Cola, burritos with beans, lettuce, steak, and sour cream. For dessert, I made you, your favorite cookies! Chocolate Chip!" 'Mom' said exitedly.

Xenos got up quickly and started to dig in . He finished everything in 5 minutes. Oh how wonderful the food tasted to him. The burrito was to die for. The hamburger was the best thing after the burrito. After he ate all those things, he still had room to eat the delicious cookies. When he bit a piece off, words couldn't describe how they tasted. He finally finished it all. His stomach was so full it hurt.

"Mhmmmmmmmmmm..... That was the best food ever Mom!" He remembered to call her Mom.

Isobel's mother laughed whole heartedly. "Well I do remember what you love. Its not like I forgot you."

Xenos smiled really sadly. He didn't remember her, she must hate him after they tell her.

"Mom we have to talk to you about something. It's about Xenos." Isobel said.

They sat her down, while she had a look of confusion written all over her motherly face. Isobel kept on looking at Xenos. She finally looked at her mother right in the eyes and said,

"Mom, Xenos doesnt remember anything."


Thx Vote become a fan whatever you wanna do :) - Fizzy P.S no song today :( too tired to load one up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2012 ⏰

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