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Air rushed around me with a quickness that almost made it hard to breathe. It roared in my ears, and my face was wrapped into a frozen grimace as I ran.

There was no landscape to behold, for it was dark, and I could see nothing at all. I felt a terrible fear coursing through my veins. My heart raced to its own rhythm, and with every pulse I grew more terrified.

There was a soundless pursuit behind me. A force to be reckoned with that barreled after my being.

It's like I could hear its thoughts.

"You shouldn't be here." It growled.

 "Your flesh is meant to be torn apart." It spoke lowly, with a thirst for blood.

 "I am coming for you, and one day I will get you," It screeched its haunting chorus through the wind. The voice was of claws against stone; nails against a chalkboard.

My eyes grew wider as I tried to see through the never ending darkness. I was all too conscious of my ragged breaths being the only thing I could hear. My senses were sore from trying to  feel something, anything.

Suddenly, I was detached. A calm spirit watching from the sidelines as my body raced through the abysmal nightmare. The panic poured out of my veins and my system was flushed of any emotion.

I felt serene as I heard the body's strangled gasps for air. As I heard its footsteps patter weightlessly across the ground; like raindrops.

With a muted, almost buried unease, I watched as the body, my body changed shape. From a deer to a bear, then to a soaring eagle.

Every second that passed showed a new form. One even more magnificent than the last. At last the all-seeing spirit re-entered my body.

Now I was a wolf, just as terrified as I had been in the beginning. I ran with giant bounds; trying to escape the unseen evil.

I still could not see through the impenetrable darkness, and I tried my best not to slow down. To let the monster catch me.

The end came too quickly. My paws faltered when there was no longer ground to run on. It was as if I was plucked from the earth and thrown into the sky.

I felt myself plummeting into the deepest blackness yet. I let out a yowl of horror as I tumbled into the unknown; waiting to make contact with the stiff ground below.

My eyes opened abruptly and a gasp escaped my quiet rest. My uneven breaths followed as  I adjusted to the bright world around me.

It was just a dream.

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