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He remembered when he saw him again.

It was approximately six months after Ellis Kendrick's party and three months after Raj left him in the middle of his room confused and hurt. They kept in touch, but it never felt the same as meeting face to face.

He was in the middle of a bookstore, searching for a new book to read. He had finished reading all the books in his current library, and he had hopes of finding a new one right away. Finn walked down the aisle where the fantasy books were in place, lightly dragging his fingers across the books' spine.

His head was ducked down as he turned into the Romance section until he bumped into someone.

"Ouch," he mutters, rubbing his head and looks up. "I'm sorry about -- Raj?"

Raj stands in front of him with widened eyes. He had a book in his hand, as well as someone next to him in the other. Finn drags his eyes along his body, ignoring the burning sensation in his cheeks. Raj looked handsome as always. Dressed in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt to combat the June heat, Finn couldn't help but yern to touch him.

Raj clears his throat. "Finnlay, how are you doing?"

"I'm good," Finn responds, smiling lightly. "I see you have a guest next to you."

Raj smiles and nudges the girl beside him to catch her attention. The girl, was absolutely beautiful. Dressed in a yellow sundress, hair cascaded down her shoulder like ink while her skin reminded Finn of caramel. After Raj's nudge, she looks up with surprise evident in her face. In her dark tresses, a pair of sunglasses were snugly in place. She eyes Finn curiously before her lips broke into a wide smile.

"Oh hey," she says excitedly. She starts to outstretch a hand for Finn to shake. "You must be one of Raj's friends. I'm Sabreena, his girlfriend."

Finn's eyes stays on Raj for a minute before shifting his eyes to the bubbly girl in front of him. As he shakes Sabreena's hand, all Finn wanted to do was melt into the ground. He eventually let go of Sabreena's hand and mutters a few more pleasantries before walking away from the couple and leaving the store. He didn't even try looking for a new book, he had lost his interest after officially meeting the prominent person in Raj's life.

When he reached his apartment that evening, he changed into something more comfortable. Sitting on the couch, he listened to a mix of Lena's soft sighs echoing from her bedroom (as an effect of sleeping deeply) and Frank Sinatra, while reading a book and drinking a glass of red wine. He tended to avoid alcohol, but the thought of having a glass was tempting. Finn was midway through reading his book when he heard a knock on his door. He sighs rolling off the couch and walking to open it.

"This better be good," he sighs, opening the door widely to be see a hunched over Raj at his doorstep.

"Good," Raj sighs, standing up straight. "You answered."

Finn purses his lips. "I wish I didn't. Where's Sabreena? I don't see her by your side. Are you lost?"


Finn crosses his arms, feeling more of his bitter side coming out from the hurt Raj left him with.

"Do you need a map to find her? I have one right here."

Raj rolls his eyes. "Finn --"

"Or maybe you need so time to think about her, right? You always seem to remember her -- mmm!"

Before he could finish his last words, his lips were sealed with a pair of lips. His arms wrap around Raj's neck and the two stumble inside his apartment, with Raj shutting the door close with the swift kick of his leg. Finn could feel his head hit the wall softly as Raj continues to make him feel like he was burning alive.

"You hurt me so much," he croaks, tears budding in his eyes. "You hurt me."

Raj looks at him somberly, softly kissing the tears running down his cheeks.

"I know," he sighs. "And I'm sorry."

Finn pushes him away, to look at him square in the eye.

"Are you going to hurt me again?" He asks, pointing a trembling finger at him. "Because it hurt to see you leave me for someone else."

"I broke up with her," Raj breathes, throwing his hands up. "I did what you wanted."

Finn looks at him stunned.

"Why?" Finn asks, confused. "You wanted her."

Raj steps closer to him, peering into the depths of his green eyes.

"Whywould I want her if you drive me so damn crazy?"

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