Spontaneous Enthusiasm For Healthy Rivalry

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AN: hey so yeah this um yeah lil blurb i thought of when i was at this part.

Oliver couldn't help but chuckle at his boyfriend's words. As Chad and Turing continued to chatter about the nature of their errand, he found himself watching Chad's hands as he talked, noting the way every movement he made was aggressive, and filled with energy, like the mere mention of a fight had kickstarted his adrenaline. He then thought about how it felt when the two of them were alone together, how his movement were slow and calculated, and gentle, almost as if Chad were trying not to break him. Feeling heat rise to his cheeks, he shook his head in attempt to clear his mind, and tuned back in to the conversation. "Man, I hope you find the dudes that took him. I hope he's okay...Oh man.... I... dunno what to say, ya know? I mean, I still have my Dad. But he's...He's never really been around. Too busy trying to save the world from itself. Even now he's over there standing in front of that damn clinic. And... I thought I could find a way to make him...whatever. I might as well nuke that drive. It ain't gonna sync."  "Chad..." Oliver murmured in concern. He didn't miss the obvious tension in Chad's shoulders, or the way his fists seem to tremble as he clenched them tighter. Oliver carefully reached out and quietly pulled Chad's hand into his own, and ran a thumb across the other's palm. once he saw the tension in Chad's shoulders seem to lessen, he let go, and allowed himself to get lost in his own mind, trying his best to commit the feeling of Chad's hands on his to memory.


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