why doesnt brian mulberry talk to u once chad and oli are in your party??

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okay so this is just like a thing like i was thinkng about how when Chad and Oliver are in ur party how like Brian refuses to talk to you and i thought it was strange?? here are some ideas rolling around in my head atm: 

1) Brian just straight up ignores that fact that he has a son. like i have this idea that maybe brians wife was ill after having chad and died really soon after (and brian blames chad for it even tho he was the one who wouldnt let her get gene therapy even tho it was necesary). thus, brian resents chad and has pretty much ignored him and left chad to grow up on his own, which is why chad is trying so hard to get his fathers approval.

2) maybe brian doesnt like the fact that chad's queer ?? idk brian seems like the type to be agaisnt it despite the way society had normalized queerness. idk, the really fucked up comments he makes about hybrid ppl, andppl who need cybernetic enhancement rubs me the wrong way and i feel like he would NOT like the fact that his loud-mouthed rebel son brought home some BOY he met on the streets.

lmk what u think in comments !!

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