Chapter 7: Just Find Her

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JJ called Hotch as Derek carried Rose to the car. Aaron sent CSI to the park and Emily took Rose to the hospital with JJ. The girl was examined and she had a concussion. JJ was the one that told Rose's mother. The woman ran to the hospital and Rose cried so much when she got there. The kid was so scared and really shaken up.

"Does Hilary know yet?" Emily asked JJ.

"Hotch just called her. She's meeting him at the BAU." JJ said and Emily had to take a deep breath in order to calm down. She couldn't believe that was happening. How was she supposed to tell her daughter that her best friend had been kidnapped.


Emily and JJ drove to the BAU. They got there and when they walked in the bullpen Emily's heart sank when she saw Penelope sitting at her desk holding Millie, Chloe's little sister, in her arms.

"Emi" Millie said and opened her arms asking to be picked up by her favorite aunt. Emily quickly scooped the girl up and the little girl rested on her shoulder.

"Where's mommy?" Millie asked.

"She'll be back soon. She's just talking to Bella's dad" JJ said as she looked up at the conference room and saw Derek hugging Hilary as she cried.
Emily looked up and her eyes filled with tears.
Derek let go of Hilary and saw Emily. His face broke her heart.

"Millie, can you stay with aunt Penny so I can go talk to your mommy really quick?" Emily asked and the small girl nodded.

"Come here. Let's go see my office" Penelope said with a smile trying to somehow help the girl.

Emily and JJ went to the conference room and the room went silent when they arrived. Emily didn't know what to do.

Hotch suddenly said "we have agents in her apartment and Rossi and Reid are working in my office. Can you two please stay with her?"

"Of course" JJ said.

Derek and Hotch walked out of the room and JJ guided Hilary to the couch.

"We'll do everything we can to find her" JJ said. Hilary rested on JJ's shoulder and Emily took a spot next to her, leaving Hilary in the middle. Emily held Hilary's hand.

"Where are the other kids?" Hilary asked.

"Rose is in the hospital with her mother. Bella and Mazzy are at Gavin's house." JJ said.

Emily was still speechless.

"Did you tell them?" Hilary asked but Emily didn't answer so she turned to face her. "Did you tell Bella?" Hilary asked.

"No" Emily said as her eyes filled with tears.

Suddenly Hotch walked in.
"We might have a lead." He said.

Emily stood up ready to help.

"Derek is heading to Colette's house and bringing the kids here. We need to talk to them." Hotch said.

"What? Why?" Emily asked confused.

"Reid found a connection between the victims. It's a website." Hotch explained. "It's for school things like quizzes and practice tests. They have chat groups and Garcia found every single victim used that website. And that can't be just a coincidence."

Emily's heart was beating fast, the thought of Bella soon arriving there and finding out what was happening was killing her. She didn't want her daughter to go through more pain. She couldn't let the girl lose her best friend.


Derek arrived at Colette's house and she answered the door.
"Did something happen? Emily didn't call back" she said.

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