He Lived

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It was a cold starry night and he just got back to Amsterdam in train. Today he went to meet his friend in another city. He had met him through internet before but today was the first time they ever met. John took him to his home and they had second breakfast together. Then they went for cycling around the beautiful green woods and played Tolkien trivia. It was a beautiful sunny day but the clouds had started gathering.

He got off the train at central station and went to the tram stop. It was cold but he felt so much full of energy and full of confidence. He looked to his left and saw a beautiful girl also waiting for her bus. Gathering up his courage, he approached her and asked her ,"How are you doing?" The girl smiled and said,"I am fine thank you, How are you?" "Fine too", he replied. "I came from Italy for a week", he told her.

"Oh that's really great. Are you enjoying it so far?"

"Yes it has been really great. There is some big party tonight that I was invited to. Do you want to come?"

"Oh I don't really go to parties that much but thanks", she backed away a bit.

You idiot, what was the hurry. You blew your chance. "Oh no problem. So what do..", he started but was cut off because she had started talking to couple of guys who were standing to her right.

Feeling mixed emotions he put a smile to his face and nodded a good bye to her as she took her bus with the other two guys.  What a bitch..Nah! What an idiot who doesn't know how to ask out a girl.

He took his tram back to his hotel. Alex and Cameron were waiting for him when he reached his room.

"Let me just change my clothes and then I am ready to go", he told them before they could complain about him being late.

John's mother made a traditional Holland dish for him. Mashed potatoes with sausages and vegetables. He really liked it and complimented her on her cooking. John's room was a mess, a mess full of books. They both were huge Tolkien nerds. He convinced John to install LOTRO and he did, they made a character for him, a temporary character obviously, till John could come up with a unique elvish name. After playing some LOTRO, they took his dog out for a walk, they walked on old mounds and also tried to find the bunnies, but they never found any.

Which shirt to wear. Ah this one. Holding up his black Stone Cold t-shirt. He quickly changed into it. They decided to walk to the club. It was crowded when they arrived there. The music was loud. They got the drinks. He had never been to a club before, nor had he ever danced before. But his metamorphosis had started.He liked the sound of music, the beat, the shaking of butt, the dancing. He knew no moves but he was athletic enough to copy others. He saw a group of girls dancing and he started copying them, Soon enough they noticed him and asked him to join them.

ooo Yeah! He did.

He told them about himself and his week vacation. They were all very friendly and inviting. One girl especially got his attention. She had a certain mean girl look to her, which he loved so much in girls, and she was a blond.

"So are you single", the words escaped his mouth before he could stop them. What the fuck is wrong with you!!

But to his surprise she did not mind the question, probably because she was drunk or maybe its a blond thing. Whatever it was, they started talking and dancing together. Music does bring people together. After sometime it became difficult for him to breath. Lets say it was because of the heat and loud music.

"I will be right back, need to smoke", he lied. He fought his way across the jam packed dance floor and into the smoking/pool room. He got his breath back.

There is just something about Indians and Pakistanis, that no matter how you are dressed or what your hair style is, you just instantly recognize each other. So when this two Indian guys entered the room with beers in their hands, he spotted them at once and they spotted him at once. The language they spoke is called Punjabi, which I will not write here. In the common tongue this is what they said..

"Hey dude! Pakistani or Indian?", the more stylish looking guy asked.

"Pakistani here and you guys must be from India..I came here for a week from Italy"

"Yes brother we are Indians. Welcome. Enjoying the party buddy?"

"Yeah bro its really great. Do you guys smoke?"

"Yeah, you have some?"

"Yeah, I bought it yesterday". He took out his smoking pipe and filled it and lit it. You were allowed to smoke anything in the pool area. I took a long shot and passed it to his new friends. They took the hits. The magic pipe at once started its magic and in just 5 minutes they were all playing pool together and laughing and dancing. Talking about life and its mysteries and how their pool table was like the solar system and the balls were like planets and what would happen if we got hit by an asteroid right now. It was a merry moment.

Oh damn!! the girl!? "I should go now, it was really nice meeting you guys, peace brothers!" He rushed back into the dance room before they said their good byes. He fought his way across the dance floor back to where he was before, but the beautiful blond fairy princess was gone, and two dudes were sitting where she was. He gave himself a hard-ish slap on his head and sat down. Soon Alex and Cameron also joined him.

"Where were you, we were looking for you everywhere", Alex said.

"Yeah just dancing and meeting people", he said, forcing a smile on his face.

They stayed there some more and danced together before leaving for their hotel.

They finally found two empty seats. John sat in front of him. They played "speaking elvish" on his way back to Amsterdam. John had to get off because it was late and he had to return to his home taking the last train. An old guy replaced him on his seat. On his right, 3 girls were sitting. They started talking in loud voices and somehow they started talking to him.

"You look really cute, you wanna go grab a drink when we reach Amsterdam?", one of them said.

He had a puzzled look on his face and didn't know what to make of this invitation. But before he could say anything, the older guy sitting in front of him spoke,

"Leave this poor guy alone you three, if you want drink, go have them yourself, you hooligans"

"Thank you for that", he told the man."I am Ali, I came here from Italy for a week", he gave him his hand.

"I am Thijs Berg, I direct movies", he said, shaking his hand. They talked about what movies he made. He told him that he often comes to Italy, while the hooligans were still talking in loud voices but they ignored them. They got off at Amsterdam Centraal."Well it was nice talking to you Mr. Thijs Berg. Good Bye", he waved. "Likewise. Good Bye", he walked to his taxi and he walked to his tram stop.

They reached their hotel, all exhausted and tired. He waved them bye to their room before going to his own. It was a good day today. For the first time in his life he lived. He changed into pajamas and went to bed dreaming about the beautiful blond fairy princess angel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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