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*Laycees POV*

"So why aren't your parents here with you?" The boy asked us.

"Umm...." What do we do?! We can't be sent back now! We just got here! I look down the hall as the elevator opens. The only way to escape this boy was to run for our life's

I look over to Analee and look down the hallway. She nods And we start sprinting down the hallway.

"Hey! Wait! Come back here!" The boy yells and runs after us.

We make a right turn with him hot on our trail. We see a old lady walking across the hall to get to her room. We made it look like we were about to run in to her before making a sharp turn to the elevators.

"Get back h-"

All we could here was two people falling and an angry old lady shouting naughty words. I could here Analee laughing her ass off and I just grinned and pressed the elevator call button.

"Ow! I'm sorry! Please lady I didn't mean- Ow! To run you over!" The Elevator opened and we stepped in.

"OW! Mercy! Mercy! Plea-Ow! Please stop!" He cried out. The elevator doors closed and I pressed the 5th floor button.

Me and Analee laughed our heads off.

"Oh my god! That was hilarious!" Analee said while trying to catch her breath.

I wiped off a tear from laughing so hard. "What a great start to our stay in London!" I exclaimed while walking out of the elevator.

"Room E-9 right?" I asked Analee and she nods. I opened the room door and jumped on the bed.

"Can I marry this bed?" I asked with my face in a pillow.

"Wouldn't be a very good spouse. The only good thing about the bed is its comfy to sleep in." Analee told me.

"I guess your right." I said while sitting up. I see the dude that took our bags brought our stuff to our room.

I ran over to it and took a bag of food out. What? I didn't want to buy food as soon as we got here. I walked over to were the microwave was and placed the food on the counter part.

I took out a jar of Nutella and two spoons and walked over to the bed were Analee was sitting.

I hand her a spoon and open thee jar while she mumbles a thank you.

"What are we going to do now?" Analee ask. That's a good question. What are we gonna do?

"Haven't thought about that yet..." I said while taking a spoonful of Nutella in my mouth.

"We can't stay here forever. We don't have enough money to stay more than a week. Unless we get jobs. But We are to young to get jobs!" Analee rambles on.

"We will figure something out." I tell her.

I sure hope we will.

*Louis POV*

Finally the lady stopped beating me with a cane and left into her room.

I got up from the ground and dusted my clothes off. Were did those girls go? I looked around for any traces of were they could of went.


I sigh and run my hand trough my hair. Maybe the boys could help me.

I start walking back to our room while limping. Stupid old lady. I probably have bruises all over me.

I walk into the room were me and the boys are staying. "Liam?" I call.

"Yes?" He ask while popping up out of no where.

"I need your help." I tell him and he gives me a questioning look.

"There was these two young girls that walked into the elevator with me and I over heard them. One girl said "So since we are here alone, if someone asks where our parents are just say they are at the mall or at the store, okay?" I told Liam quoting exactly what the girl had said.

"Soooo the two girls are here alone? Without any parents? " Liam ask.

"Exactly." I tell him.

"So you want to turn them in?" Liam ask.

"Well the girl asked me to pretend that I never heard that. But the elevator opened and they ran down the hall. "I explained to him. He nods.

"Well what happened to them? You didn't chase after them?" Liam ask.

"Well...I did..." I trailed off.

"So two young girls out ran you? wow." Liam chuckles. I sigh.

"No.... I just... ran into someone."I said quietly.

"How would that slow you down that much? You said sorry to them right?" Liam ask.

" I did more than say sorry. I begged for Mercy." I told him.

"Why?" he ask.

"...... don't laugh ok?" I asked him.

"Ok?" he raises his eyebrow.

"....I ran into a old lady and.... she said some naughty words.... then beat me with her crane, so the girls got away..." I explain to him.

He was quite at first but then started to laugh. " That explained the bruises on your arms and face." He said while laughing.

" You said you wouldn't laugh!" I yell at him. "Sorry, but what do you want to do with the girls? Turn them in?" Liam ask.

" First I want to know why they don't have parents with them." I tell him.

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