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Michael Kisslinger paced the pews of the large Romanian Monastery Church. His blue eyes became moist with tears and he ran his fingesr through his long, dark, and wavy hair as he tried to comprehend why the congregation would be asking this of him. He felt panic rising in the pit of his stomach as he listened to the people of the church argue amongst themselves. The vampires were taking over their village and it was believed that Michael was the only one who would be able to stop them. He had shown more strength and dedication to the church and God than anyone else in Sighisoara had. If anybody was able to call on the name of the Lord to protect their home, it would be Michael.

"Brother Kisslinger," an old man with squinty eyes and thin white hair touched Michael's arm, causing him to jump, "Brother, please, you are the only one. God smiles on the works you have done. He will protect you in this fight. Do not fear death because by his name, you cannot die."

"It's not death that I fear, sir" Michael smiled kindly at the frail, old man, "I fear my faith may not be strong enough. I fear giving into the temptation of immortality." Michael's blue eyes gazed up at the gothic ceiling, he whispered apologetically, "Forgive me, Father."

"Your faith is the strongest of us all. You will not fail. You cannot."

"Please, I'm begging you to understand. This is the job of a priest. Father Leonte should do this. It is his responsibility to the church, not mine. " Michael gazed out at the crowd with pleading eyes.

"The Father was taken by them before the sun rose. It's said that Lazar killed him himself." A small voice was barely heard about the noise from the villagers. Michael turned to look as the speaker pushed her way to the front of the church, her emerald eyes focused on him. Caterina Tudor found her way to him and pulled his shaking hands into hers. His eyes softened as he stared into her beauty. Reaching up, Michael traced his fingertips over her heart-shaped face then pushed a strand of light brown hair from her forehead. It pained him to see the worry that was shining in her once joyous, green eyes. This woman was to be his wife and if he did what was being asked of him, he may never get the opportunity to start a family with her. "Please, Michael, I love you so much and I don't want to lose you but you really are our only hope."

"Okay," he whispered and gently brushed his thumb against her lips, "Whatever you ask, my love."

Michael slowly made his way to the front of the church. He stood in the same place Father Leonte often did and bowed his head. His lips moved quickly as he silently prayed for guidance. The congregation stopped fussing over the dreadful situation their village was in and their eyes landed on the man who they believed could save them all. They waited patiently for him to address them; to tell them what they needed to do. After a few fleeting moments, he raised his eyes to the crowd. Panic took over the moment he saw the hope on all their faces. Michael couldn't bring himself to promise their families' safety when he wasn't sure if he could even survive a fight against these creatures. Tiny beads of sweat formed on his forehead. His heart began to pound painfully beneath his rib cage and his breathing became quick and raspy. Without warning, his feet began to move toward the exit at the back of the sanctuary. He ran with his hands over his ears, trying to block out the words of terror that now filled the church in loud echoes. Panic filled the occupants of the church as their only hope escaped through the heavy wooden doors.

Michael bursted through the doors and felt peace sweep over him instantly. Now that he was away from their expectant stares, he was able to think clearly. He had no intention of backing out on their request. He had already promised Caterina that he would try. He would never purposely let her down; he loved her too much to bear ever seeing disappointment in her eyes. With a deep breath, he looked to the north where a huge castle towered over the town; high in the hills. This is it, he thought and headed down the path that led to what was surely to be his demise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2014 ⏰

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