vicotr was at hasetsu bc yuri left him so he was taking a bath when suddenly otabek cam to join him. why are you crying vivtor? he sais. lesbian porn from chian lef me. vitja said. oh no. otabel said. victor drank vodka and passed the bottle to otabae. they're hands touched briefliy and vikrot stares into otabejs eye. you have beautiful eyes. viktrp sais. u wot m8 dont hit on me i am married to the other lesbian porn from china but from russia. otabek sais. are you sure about this. victro sais as he gently slides his hand with the golden ring still on up otaveks chin. otabek gasps then he pushed vityy back and kisses him. vicroe gasps. then tehy kiss more and they are already naked so the make sex and otabek is on top. otabae decided he loved viort all along so he leaves yurio and marries viktor and the happy and adopt 5 gay children the end.
to be continued, dont forget to like and subscribe.
Vitya and Otabek forbdden love
Fanfictionjust this kind of scenario where vitya is hitting on otabek & then he is just like u wot m8 & pushing him & then kinky stuff