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his head felt like it would damn near split open if this hangover had anything to do with it. he didn't even have to open his eyes to know that it was daylight outside, probably well passed noon if his track record was as consistent as his drinking.

slowly he blinked his eyes open, and quickly shut them again. yeah, his head was definitely going to split open.

a hum from his side startled him, so much so that his eyes opened wide and he hissed with pain.

"fucking hell, i'm never drinking again." he mumbled to himself, trying really hard to keep his eyes open.

"laser you're much too good looking to be a liar." a familiar voice to his side mused.

"and you're still here in my bed when you know damn well i don't like that shit, get out daisy." he grumbled at the club girl he usually slept with when he was at the exorcists mc.

he felt the bed move next to him as daisy stretched her limbs out in front of her. she was naked as the day she was born, her blond hair looking exactly like what they'd done the night before. "always a pleasure, laser." she beamed while pulling up her shorts.

he grunted in response, not really happy about the fact that she was so goddamn bubbly all the time. the girl was on a never ending sugar high with the way she bounced, giggled and talked all over the place.

the door shut quietly, which was something he liked about keeping a usual. not many did, nomads didn't like commitment and laser wasn't an exception. daisy and him had an unspoken agreement, sex and no feelings involved.

club girls didn't always understand that concept, always trying to become an old lady to any of the bikers. they never did, never would probably since they were shared around this place like toys.

laser ran a lazy hand over his face, deciding that a shower would probably help and if it didn't he'd probably just go nurse a glass of whiskey.


he sipped his glass of whiskey slowly, the familiar burn a comforting feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"drinking already, it ain't even happy hour boy." steele joked while he wiped down glasses with a clean rag.

lasers eyes moved from his glass up to steele's and noted that the man had a shit eating grin on his face. "talk to me when i'm not hungover, and wipe that stupid fucking smirk off your face."

steele let out a bark of a laugh, the kind that got the attention of everyone in the room.

"i'm not all that funny." he grumbled, downing the rest of his glass and sliding it over to the man behind the bar.

"yeah, yeah." steele waved him off. "ransom called looking for you, says he's got a job that needs to be done."

laser huffed and pulled out his phone from his back pocket. he joined the hell hounds a couple years ago after a fall out with his last mc. it was a breath of fresh air being a nomad for a guy like ransom, the guy was a pain in the ass sometimes but he was straightforward and laser respected that.

noting that he did in fact have a few missed calls, which ransom was more than likely less than thrilled about. he had close to no patience, so laser would make it a point to not put his phone on vibrate as often.

he typed in the number he was all too familiar with and hit call, not so patiently waiting for the old man to answer.

"laser get your ass back to backwood." ransom said immediately.

his eyebrows shot up, "not even a hello?"

he heard an annoyed huff at the other end of the line which made him grin a little bit. "you're beginning to be a lot more trouble than you're worth, kid." ransom joked.

he chuckled, "when do you need me back?"

the line was silent for a moment, and laser glanced at his phone to make sure it hadn't went dead.

"soon, my daughter's home for the summer and with the shit going on right now i need extra muscle around here."

"didn't even know you had a daughter prez." he responded, not that he had ever sat and had a heart to heart with the man anyway but you'd think he would have mentioned it before.

"i'm not really a popular guy, in this line of work better to keep as little information public as possible." ransom uttered.

"you're the boss." he said out of respect. in retrospect, he didn't really need a reason to go back. what prez said was law-- no if ands or buts. "when do you want me back?"


he cracked a grin, letting a little chuckle escape his mouth. "roger that."

the call ended right after which meant that laser needed to be out of exorcist territory asap. the seven hour drive wasn't going to get any shorter, the quicker he left the better.

"back to the doghouse huh?" steele asked as if it weren't obvious. laser's patience level was close to zero today and that said something because usually he barely had any at all to begin with.

"no i'm going to fucking disney world."

"you hear that boys? laser's heading to florida, maybe he'll bring us back some of those sparkly ears all the club girls talk about!" steele shouted to the group of men that sat around a poker table in the corner.

they all grinned at the obvious joke.

ryder, a man roughly laser's age, walked over and clapped him on the back. "i'd prefer mine in red."

he leered not finding any sort of humor in the situation, "fuck off, i'm heading south if any of you fuck heads need me. try not to, looks like i'll be staying a while."

"lala's back ain't she?" asked ryder, with this dumb look on his face that told laser the boy had a thing for this lala chick.

"who's that, one of the club girls?"

steele narrowed his eyes. "dare you to ask ransom that when you arrive over there, i'm sure he'd appreciate that joke."

steele was close to thirty and looked like your typical biker. burly, tattooed, more muscle than brain and laser didn't think that the man had an angry bone in his body. but at the mention of this lala girl, he looked about ready to strangle him.

"that's ransom's daughter, her real name's willa. she isn't around all that much anymore, hasn't been the same since--"

"you gossip more than the club girls, ryder. shut your damn mouth for once, prez's business is his fucking business." steele said cooly.

ryder shut his mouth quickly. even though ransom wasn't necessarily his prez he still had to respect him. especially because that was his prez's brother he was running his mouth about.  no one knew much about the biker brothers but they knew that loyalty and respect were high on their priority list.

so laser didn't ask questions, instead he walked out of the club house and the garage that held his 2012 flhr road king. he was heading home, and as much as he hated being at a place for an extended amount of time; he had a feeling he'd be staying a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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