Chapter I

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Erin woke up to the fammiliar noise of an alarm clock. He realesed a deep groan before rolling off his bed. "Its too early,". He pushed himself up on to his feet. He pinned his fingers to his temples, slowly rubbing until his eyes opened. "Time for Chicago I presume." He dressed accordingly, " Windy autumn day, hoodie? Yes black and purple. Darker jeans, yes and of course vans. Lovely." The aroma of breakfast filled his nose. Breakfeast, he proceeded upstairs, to find mother cooking.

Erin sat down at the set oak table. "Anything I can do to help mum?

"No sweetie but thanks,"

"Yes of course,"

Erin knew better. Mother was just acting strong for him. Not that he needed it, father walked out numerous times. Although it never stopped the plans of the following day. Nor did it ever push his mother closer to a divorce. She was a religious woman, didn't believe in the thought of divorce.

Erin was not one for religion. He didn't see the point of worshipping a deity when he could himself. Erin ran a hand through his pale hair and kicked back in his seat. 10 minutes later breakfeast was served. Classic American style of pancakes eggs and bacon. Bland... He must of hurt her this time. He didn't dare ask what happened, he wanted to visit Chicago.

"At what time do we depart?"

"Whenever dear,"

"I say, 10?"

"Sounds lovely." Mother didn't say another word. It wouldn't take Erin long to finish his meal. They were out the door no later then 9:30. Chicago was roughly an hour long drive. It felt like 2 due to his mothers silence. She was so bad at hiding her emotions. It discomforted Erin knowing his mother was wrecked once again and putting on her "brave" face.

An hour passed, and the sky scrapers had finally been released into view. Erin eased back into his seat with a wide smile on his face. He mumbles to him self "beautiful,". His mother looked over and smiled, and he did the same. Perhaps this will brighten her mood. Erin's phone vibrated. He released it from his pocket and looked at the screen. "How far out are you?~<3" he smiled. He then replied back with "Roughly five minutes out of the city expect us in ten :)." Before he could tuck away his phone it vibrated "See you soon :3."

He smiled before tucking his phone back in his pocket. He was texting a girl. A very special girl. She was the daughter of the family friend they were visiting in Chicago. Oh but there's a twist, they have feelings for each other. Oh yes the curse of love. Of course his mother was oblivious as was hers. Oh, her name: Raven. White hair, blue eyes she stood 5"5 , lovely body. She was quiet except around him, in which case she was an out going caring girl.

Why is it ten minutes can feel like forever. He pondered this thought. But finally he felt the car teeter forward but recoil back, meaning they stopped.

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