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Did it hurt when Kakashi-sensei ripped your arms off with his Sharingan? ^-^

Yes,un. It really hurted,hm. *Rubs arms feeling the pain of his arms being ripped off*

((Hi, Admin! Who do YOU think is hot in Naruto??? >:D))

(( Hello! And there's lots I think they are hot. Hm, what first. *Thinks* Deidara because he's funny. Sasori because if his aditude and his red hair. Me like red. Gaara because he's sea foam eyes. Ummmmmmmmm, Itachi because he's really kind and caring to his brother. TT^TT I cried when he died. WHYYYYYYY! *Clears throat* And Naruto. He lovable like you said and his shiny blue eyes! ))

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