One: Siblings, Friends, or Roommates?

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      Four Vacktors, Blue, Yellow, Pink, and Green sat in silence awkwardly. Not even the pattering of rain outside made an effect. They had met only yesterday and didn't know whether or not to consider themselves siblings or even family. Each just considered them self "a real person" and that was that.
Yellow took the bold move and broke the silence. "So um friends! We live together now. Are we roommates, family, friends, bros, brudders, or something?" He searched each of their faces for an answer, except Blue's. He had curled up in a corner with his back to everyone. Green and Pink looked at each other for a moment and then back at Yellow.
Pink sighed. "I don't know. I'm mad at Red. What does it even mean ""we're a part of him?"" I'm not apart of some lame scientist nerd! I say we go back and fight him! Leave Barney alone though, he was kinda cute." She blushed a bit and rolled halfway off the couch, hanging upside down and crossing her arms.
"Ooooh!" Yellow squeaked. "You have a boyfriend!"
"What? No! Shut up or I'll let you die like Magenta! I'm talking about Red not me."
     Yellow's eyes widened. "That escalated quickly! Heh."
   Blue started bawling.
"Too far and too soon, Pink."
"Ugh! You shut up too Green. If you're not giving Red a piece of mind, I am!" Pink jumped and stood up boldly and shouted.
Green laughed. He lazily lay on the couch with his arm over the side of it. "I never knew Red was so sassy." He said, raising an eyebrow.
"I am not Red! We are different people! I could call you Purple, would you like that?" Pink snarled.
Blue started to panic. He didn't dare to turn around but he couldn't help but feel his back was exposed to danger. It was only day two and they were already fighting. What if Red was wrong? What if Pink was a killer too? She could be more than just his feminine side, maybe hatred? He didn't know Red well, so he didn't know his other possible personalities or emotions. Besides, why did she even have to fight? They were given an entire nice house and a clean, safe neighborhood, there was no need to be angry.
    "Ahuh. Sure go ahead. You're just mad. You're not even an emotion! Ha." Green taunted.
"AGGHH! State of mind is cooler!"
      "You're clearly Miss Prissy Pants."
"Guyyssss stop fighting! Smiles are better than harmful piles- of fists or words! That makes no sense. Nevermind! But please stop." Yellow smiled weakly.
"No! You know what?" Pink ignored Yellow. Her eyes were enraged and sparkled with anger. "How about you go outside with Purple instead huh?" Pink grabbed Green's limp arm and dragged him off the couch. 
"Oh no. HAAAAALP!" Green rolled like the ninja he always wanted to be and got free of Pink's grip. Without hesitation, he bolted upstairs.
Green didn't stop and kept running until he found a place to hide. "YOU'RE DISGUSTING!"
"Oh dear." Yellow smiled nervously. "Blue, let's not be like them. From now on, I treat you like a true brother!"
No response.
Yellow turned around, his hair and little yellow dinosaur-onesie tail swinging with him majestically. "Hey, what's wrong?" He walked over and sat next to Blue. They were the same age yet Blue sounded and looked a lot more child like. Yellow decided that he'd be the protective and supportive "older" brother because then maybe Blue would smile!
"I don't know..." Blue said admittedly. He squeezed into the corner farther and didn't break his gaze from the wall a few inches from his face. "Do you think I was too harsh towards Red?"
Yellow shook his head. "No, not at all! If anything he was way too harsh to you. It's understandable I guess, we just kind of appeared. We should talk with him today! Don't tell Pink but I think it'd be fun!"
"O-Ok-kay." Blue nodded. "B-but I don't think he wants to see us."
"Naw bro! Let's go!" Yellow grabbed Blue's hand and pulled him out outside quickly through the door. He looked up, still holding his brother's hand. "I forgot about the rain. Hmmm... be right back." The hyper boy ran into the house quickly, leaving Blue in the rain on the porch.
The clouds were a grayish blue and little raindrops blocked tiny parts of his view. Blue placed his hand in the air to feel the water. Although he knew what it was, this was his first time experiencing rain. Each drop felt like a tear on his palm as it splat quietly. "I like the rain..." Blue thought with a slight little smirk.
"Blue! You smiled!"
"AHH!" He stumbled over and fell into a puddle. "Ow.."
"Oh! Sorry bro." Yellow put a hand out for Blue, who took it and stood up. He handed him a blue umbrella and opened it up for Blue. Then, he opened a yellow-golden colored one for himself. "You okay?"
"Mhm... and thanks."
    Together, they stepped down the stairs of the porch and started on their three mile walk in the rain to the house of Red and his roommates, Sky, Barney, and Preston.

{Canceled} The Vacktors' Story (Fanfic + Theories)Where stories live. Discover now