1-The wolf, and The raven

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Warning strong langue  

Levi's pov--

It was time for another exhibition. I look behind me and see all the anxious, fearful looks of the soldiers. Damn brats better keep their shit together. I turn my head back to Erwin. A dead silent expression on his face but I could smell the fear that ran through his veins. The gates screech in protest as they open wide for the soldiers. With an unspoken command from Erwin, the soldiers were off. The pounding of the horses' hooves made my ears ring and my head pleaded for silence. A green hue covered my vision as a flare was shot, signaling for the group to split and ride to there designated spots. Two red flares go off each in different directions. Titans. The plan was to set up a base camp in the forest but with this heavy of a sent in the air I'm not sure will have enough soldiers to get a sturdy camp situated. I clenched my jaw. The smell, it's maddening.

---Hours later---

Erwin shot a green flare towards the forest.

"EVERYONE TIE UP YOUR HORSES AND MEET IN THE TREES!" His voice echoes through the barren woodland. I tied my horse up and signaled my squad to do the same. We Used our gear to reach the treetops. Standing still and at the ready for Erwin's next command.


I leap off the tree, my grapple hook latches onto the nearest branch and slows my fall. With a soft thump, I make contact with the forests filthy floor. I turn and see five humans behind me with their right hand over their hearts. 

"REPORTING FOR DUTY HEICHU!" The squad yells. 

" Tch the bottom necessities we need for a good camp is an accessible water source, good food supply or a good place to grow food. " I look up and get a wif of water coming from the south-east," we'll head south-east to start our search. Understood."

"Yes, captain!" I launch my cables into a tree.

With a flick of my wrist we launched into the air, a blissful melody caught my attention as its tune was carried by the breeze. I looked at my squad and see fearful, cautious faces. I point to a large spruce in front of us, we land near the source of the music. Lyrics could be heard from our position.

Wolf-mother, where you been?
You look so worn, so thin
You're a taker, devils-maker
Let me hear you sing, hey-ya hey-ya

I creeped out from behind the tree and told my squad to wait here. I silently climbed the nearest branch. 

Wolf-father, at the door
You don't smile anymore
You're a drifter, shape-shifter
Let me see you run, hey-ya hey-ya

 I climbed to the highest point on the tree. I looked to the riverbank, the leaves that covered my form rustled as I moved to the branch. If its a human were dealing with I should safe at this distance.  

Holy light over the night
Oh, keep the spirit strong
Watch it grow, child of wolf
Oh, keep holdin' on

I look to see a girl with a tolerable voice-maybe more than just tolerable- and waist length light purple hair. One ice blue eye and the other was hidden behind a leather patch.

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