3- The chat

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Levi's Pov

I Knelt by the lake, washing the blood off my face. Once I did that I gathered dry wood and created a fire. 1 by 1 I tossed the dead soldiers bodies into the flames. After I've thrown the last body in, I hear shuffling to my right. I turn my head, catching a wif of mint leaves, I turn my head further and saw wolf watching my every move, with that icy gleam in her eyes, she stood by a large tree and rested her right shoulder on the trunk. I felt my blood boil from her presence.

"Tch, what are you doing here brat, weren't you helping the other soldiers set up camp?" She shook her head in disappointment.

" I came here to check up on you." She shrugged innocently.

"Hn and what about the second part." I patted my clothes of ash that may have gotten on them.

"Ash and Knight have that covered." I scowl..more than usual

" Tch Who's Ash?" She face-palmed and shook her head.

" I forgot to introduce you to the pack. Well, the extremely large black wolf is named Ash." I nod my hand gestures her to come closer and tell me more.

"Hmm well, the light grey one is named, Marine. The brown wolf with the red eye is named Crimson. And you already know Knight" She stated proudly.

"What about the other ones?" I inquired, she sighed sadly and fiddled with her lavender hair. 

"The Brown wolf with black eyes was called Rask but we would often call him Rasky, the brown wolf with teal eyes was named Lily and the white wolf was named mystic." I nodded my head again.

"What were they to you?" She closed her eyes in thought.

"Well Ash and Mystic were my parents and the true Alphas of this pack, Marine is my older sister and crimson was like an uncle. Rask was the younger brother and Lily was the forever pup in the family." She chuckled slightly but it was strained almost forced.

"What about Knight?" I asked though with a softer tone. It wasn't my goal to make her so gloomy.

"Well, he was like a twin brother. We did everything together and were rarely seen apart." She smirks for some odd reason.

"So what about you Raven, what about your family and life in the walls." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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