Chapter 7

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I really need to stop the neighbours from blabbering their bullshit in front of Hadley.
I know she is six, but this kind of a behaviour is just not normal.
The people whom she is referring to as her imaginary friends are the same people who died in this house, probably a century ago.

The next day was Sunday. It was around 12p.m when I heard the doorbell ring.
It was Lily , Arthur and two other people who were complete strangers to me.
"Hey Lisa, this is Riley", she said pointing towards the black haired guy who had green eyes. "And this is Emily", Lily said pointing towards the blonde haired girl.

I shook hands with both of them and welcomed them inside.
Mom and Dad weren't home. They used to stay out most of the time and I wouldn't blame them.
Being a journalist was just not an easy job and I can proudly say that both of them had mastered at it.

Hadley was in her room playing with her doll house.
Lily then said" I want to meet Hadley!, can I?"
"Of course. Come with me."
I opened the door to Hadley's room and there she was, having a tea party with her teddy family.
To say that she looked way too adorable would be an understatement.

"Hey Hadley, these are my friends. Say hi to them.", I said softly to Hadley.
"Hello!" she said with her cutest voice.
"She is so adorable", Arthur said and went to hug her.
"And this is Katie", Hadley proudly said.
"Oh! This pink teddy bear? Hi Katie!", Arthur said with a smile.

"No!" Hadley laughed, "You're talking about Johnny. Katie is here ", she said hugging someone whom we couldn't see.

"Guys, let's go" I told all of them.
"Lisa, what was that?" Lily asked me.
"I don't know, Katie is some imaginary friend of hers", I said trying to sound normal.
"Oh. Okay.", she said.

"Well, Lisa. We have decided to play a game today. We all know the rumours and stories that lie in the history of this bungalow. So how about trying to play on an Ouija board?", Arthur said.
His statement sent a chill through my spine.

"Umm. No. I don't think that's a good idea.", I said.
"Oh come on Lisa, it will be fun", said Emily.
After their minutes of pleading, I agreed.
We decided to play this game in the attic. I didn't want Hadley to be near any one of us while we were playing the game.

We sat on four chairs that were surrounding a table, on which we kept the Ouija board. Over that we had a crystal which was supposed to move over the letters, in case any spirit was trying to communicate.

Lily asked us to sit straight and hold our hands. She closed her eyes and said "I apologize to the Great Almighty for using Ouija board. And I want to know if there's anyone here who would like to talk to us?", saying this she chuckled.
Probably she was just doing what she saw in horror movies.

I thought to ask a question first. "Katie, are you here with us?"
The other three laughed at my question.
I repeated, "Katie are you here?"
Suddenly I heard somebody climbing up the stairs that led to the attic. It was Hadley.

"Lisa! You know I'm playing with Katie. Can you please call her sometime later?", Hadley said, with a frown on her face.
"Hadley? Were we audible?"
"No. Katie told me she has to leave because you're calling her."
Saying this she left.

Arthur and Lily freaked out." Let's leave guys. It isn't safe here.", Arthur said.
All of them rushed out of the house without saying a word.
But they left the Ouija board behind.
And I saw the crystal, that was earlier placed in the centre of the board, was now at 'YES'.


A/N:- Thank you for all the love and support that you guys have given to this story.
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