The RV.

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{Lux's P.O.V}

I managed to find my way to a highway. It smell like shit. Probably because of the dead bodies. I really don't give two fucks what ANYTHING smells like anymore. I did what any normal person would do in this situation. I ransacked the place. I found a book bag, some canned beans, some knives, a Glock 22, and a whole bunch of other shit I can't remember. Before I got to the tenth car, I heard the roar of the engine from a motorcycle. I ducked under the car, wondering if these people were friend or foe. I pulled out my new Glock 22, checking for ammo. I was lucky to find one magazine. While I was checking for ammo, I forgot there were people here. I got out from under the car, gun in hand. Before I knew it I had a gun pressed to my head. And it wasn't mine.


Hai. This is my first book, so show some love? I'll be updating, feedback or not. My chapters are short, just to let you know. Well, Peace out.

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