Show me how to love.
Keep it warm and keep it true,
Show me how to love.
I wouldn't mind if I fell for you.
-----------Let's got one thing straight:
I'm not. So if I go off talking about how hot a girl is, just keep in mind that I'm considering hardcore cuddling. And If I think a guy is hot, call 911 because he's literally on fire and doesn't know how to stop drop and roll. I'm sorry, but I'm just not into guys.
Er... well...
I'm not into having a sexual relationship with a male. Yeah, that's it. Cause if I'm being honest, yeah, I'm into guys...being with other guys. Get my drift?
Anyway. What was I saying? Ah, right, introduction...
So, I already have a significant other, a lover, a partner, Or a mate, if you will. She's not the average American definition of hot and sexy. You know what I'm talking about, the slim body with a huge assets and smooth hairless skin. Yeah no, my girl ain't gonna be found in a playboy magazine.
But holy mother Teresa on the hood of a Mercedes-Benz, that girl is my definition of perfection. Damn right she ain't no average skank, being photographed for lecherous eyes to gawk at. She's got rolls, and I would love to nibble them. She's got love handles and nice legs to boot. Her hair is blonde, but don't go mistaking her for an ignorant bitch. She's looking forward to studying psychology and quantum physics for fun. Her eyes are blue probably, but there's so much more to them. If you only knew how she got to where she is now... Her smile brightens up my day and her laugh makes me want to live. She's got these cheeks too, see, that get dusted with the most adorable blush whenever she's nervous or embarrassed or I tell her she's beautiful. And her voice? Don't even get me started. I would listen to her all day if I could...
I wouldn't change anything about her. Well, maybe her last name.
And her location on this planet.
Ha... I wish I could show her how much I loved her in person.
Oh, what's that? Surprised? Yeah, it's long distance. If we want to go literal, we've been together for about... 9 months now? I know, still a pretty young relationship, but trust me, it ain't going anywhere but uphill.
So er, yeah. She's likely reading this right now, so with that, I say Happy Valentine's day, honeycomb. (Kinda realizing just how much my vocabulary has devolved...)
I love you <3.
Thanks for keeping me alive. Thanks for loving me even though I'm not truly sure if I love myself. I want to hold your hand in mine, get down on one knee and treat you like a queen. You deserve so much better than me, so much more than you have, and so much joy. I hope I'm enough for you, and when the time comes I hope you feel safe and welcome in the same room as me. I hope you understand how much I love you.
I don't feel like I've said enough....
Even when your looks fade, your voice starts cracking and your hair turns to gray, I'm still going to love you. You have a heart of gold and silver, shining brightly despite the darkness that threatens to surrounds you. I'm so proud of you and everything you've done. I'm in love with your humor and empathy.
And when you cry, I want to be the one you cry on. And you scream, I want to be there to remind you that everything is okay. When you're angry or frustrated, I want to look into your eyes and quench the fire blinding you from reality. When you're jealous, I want to be the one on your mind when you remind yourself that you already have everything you need. That I have everything I need. I want to protect you from all harm, and though I know it isn't possible, I'll try anyway. I want to make you laugh at my idiotic tendencies. It may sound weird, but the though if you getting upset at the fact that I've hurt myself brings a smile to my face too, because that means that you care. You care so much and I absolutely love that.
I just wish you were here. All in due time but... God I just wish you were here.
If she isn't reading this then, heh, I'm just talking to myself. Well, that's okay. I do that often anyway.
...but I know you're here... you promised me. I know I'm not the best at texting back, but... you're always on my mind anyway.