Chapter 13

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Grayson's pov.

We arrived at the house and Kendall was sleeping. I picked her up bridal style and walked into the house. "Ethan shut up" I whisper yelled at him. He was being so loud stomping around and if Kendall's dad saw her like this is just a hoodie he would freak.. I mean freakkkk


I went and put her down on the bed but I thought I should go get some Tylenol and water for her since she'll have a major headache tomorrow. I walked into the kitchen and jumped when I saw Kendall's dad grabbing something from the cupboard. "hey, what are you grabbing" her dad asked me, I guess he is kinda my dad now though. "just some medication and water, I'm not feeling great. really loud music" I laughed. "Your grabbing that for kendall because she probably drunk" he said while filling up his water. I just gulped because I didn't know what his reaction would be to me telling him his daughter is drunk. "If she is it's fine. I'm just happy she had fun and your still taking care of her" he said with a smile on his face. "oh, yea she had a lot of fun" I said. "That's good, she has her dads side not her moms" he said smile at me before walking off to his bedroom.


Kendall's pov.

I woke up with a crazyyyy headache and I noticed that there was some water and Tylenol so I took it. I got up and walked into the kitchen giving my dad a hug. He pulled away in seconds "what are you wearing? do you even have underwear on?" He asked me with a confused and angry look on his face. I totally forgot what I was wearing I was so tired. The hoodie basically just covered my ass and that's it. "um obviously I have underwear on, I just got hot during the night so I took off some of my clothes that's all" I said walking off before he could ask anymore questions. I went straight to the bedroom to get changed and did that in their because Grayson was sleeping still and Ethan was watching tv in the living room.


Grayson's pov.

I slowly opened my eyes rubbing them a couple times. Then I saw a black figure walking into the room. Once my eyes adjusted to the light I noticed that it was Kendall. She took off the hoodie which showed off her whole body, she must have not noticed I was awake now. I just stared at her the whole time she was changing. God your beautiful I say in my head. "Oh my god Grayson look away!!" She yells. "Wait what, did I say that out loud" I ask embarrassed. "Uh yeah you did now look a different way so I can change" she said kinda pissed. "I've seen you naked before" "I know and we are going to forget about that because we were both stupid to even think about doing it" she said. I didn't want to bug her so I just put my pillow over my eyes even though it was so tempting to watch her.


Lisa's pov.

I was sitting out on the porch and I haven't really talked to the boys since we came here, which in some ways is good because that means they're bonding with Kendall. I called their names to come talk to me about he party, they did have drinking issues a couple years ago and I hope that has changed. "So, how was the party?" I ask them. "Good" "Fine" they both say. "Why only fine Grayson? Did someone do something bad?" I ask him with a stern look on my face. "Well we saw Lukas there" he said hanging his head down. He saw Lukas!? "Lukas! Well why didn't you see him Ethan" I ask him. He gulps. "I-I was kinda to-o drunk to no-o-tice" he says stuttering a lot. I just sigh. "I'll give you a break on this one Ethan, but next time please be more careful. You could have got hurt by Lukas or someone else" I say nicely. "I'm really sorry mom. I thought I was done with that immature stage" he says wiping a tear. I felt bad, I could tell he really is disappointed in himself. "Ethan honey, that's not immature. That's life, we all make mistakes and i will always love you so remember that" I say hugging him.
Lisa knows about Lukas killing Brooke... again sorry this story sucks but it's still going soooo

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