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I have decided to start a Mystic Messenger fanfiction. Though some say this fandom is dead, I am writing this story for one character, and one character alone: Jihyun Kim. Out of all the Mystic Messenger Characters I think he is the most misunderstood, underrated, and definitely deserves a better ending. This story is to fantasize what it would be like if he had not died. 

Yes, this story contains spoilers, so beware. 

Also, this is not a JihyunxReader story, the OC in question (Marianne) was made so that if the reader wanted to put themselves in her shoes, they would be able to. Her looks and some of her personality is up to the interpretation of the reader. 

The only rights I have to any characters are to Marianne and side characters as I present them. The rest belong to those as follows:


Yoosung Kim

Jaehee Kang

Jihyun Kim

Jumin Han

Hyun (Zen)

Saeyoung Choi (707)

Saeren Choi

Myte Arts: (Yes, I am using Myte Arts AU's for this story. To the person who made the AU's, if you do not want me using them, please contact me through Instagram at OddballKid23 to remove them). 

Jincheol Kim

Saeyoung and MC's twins (to be honest, I can' remember their names, so they'll probably be nameless in the story). 

If I missed anyone, please contact me and let me know. I mean no copyright infringement upon anyone. This story is not only to appease my fangirl feels, but also to bring entertainment to those who are still holding onto this fandom for dear life.

Now that I have that out of the way, I can get back to writing the story. 

Hope you enjoy! 


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