Chapter 6

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(Chat with Mr. Mayabang)

Grr!! Bwiset tlaga yung lalaking yun.  Kakairita 😐 - ako

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Lance Bryle Stanford is active now

Lance Bryle Stanford

Sent from Web.  Seen 5:30pm

Samantha Nicole Collins

Bakit?? Kelangan mo??
Sent from Web. Seen 5:45pm

Lance Bryle Stanford

Nothing  babe 😉
Just Now

Samantha Nicole Collins

Bwiset ka!! Stop calling me babe 😐. Stupid Jerk 😡
Just Now

Lance Bryle Stanford

Chill babe.  Ikaw naman hindi mabiro 😉
Just Now

Samantha Nicole Collins

Humanap ka ng pagttripan mo. Don't me 😐
Just Now

Grrr!! He's getting on my nerves.  Bwiset ka Lance..

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