Phase 1 - An Odd Beginning

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In dream "Batch 1, Start testing.."-Voice


It was a Monday morning, Drake, a 15 Years old teen, wokes up to prepare for his first day of Highschool.


Turns off alarm,*Yawn. "Man, that was some weird dream.. but I cant remember most of it.." sitting on his bed. -Drake

~~After some rendering~~

"Drake, you should get ready soon, the opening ceremony starts at 8:10" -his mother downstairs.

" 'kay, mom!" He stands up and went straight downstairs towards the kitchen. " Morning, Mom.." -Drake

"Good morning, Dear" Drake's mom Cooking some bacons and eggs! -Mother


Drake grab some plates and put them on the table and help his mother serve the food. -Drake

Sudden voice on Drake's head " Phase 1" -Voice

"Huh?" Little bit startled but Drake felt something is happening inside his body but he ignored it. -Drake

He finished serving the food on the table and he called his younger brother down " Oi, Zack! Breakfast's ready" - Drake

"Okay!" Runs down. -Drakes 13 years old brother

"Hah? You were already up! Why didnt you came down?" -Mother

"Hehehe" He was basically playing on his PC "Nothing really" -Zack

"Okay, okay. Just sit, you guys will be late if you goof off..." -Mother

--And they started to eat --

<<Fast Forward>>

Drake went to take a shower before changing to his Uniform.

"I wonder what's with that voice saying 'Phase 1'?..." Inside the shower. " Hmmpt! Forget about that..probably just my imagination" He looked at thd clock inside the bathroom ((Idfk why)) and it's 7:36. " Oh crap!" Turns off the shower and dries himself up. -Drake

~~Some time in his room~~

"Phase 1.... Begin..." A minor shockwave came from inside Drake making him vurnerable for a minute.

"W-what t-the he-heck?" Fell on his knees.. " Theres definitely something wrong with me.." Slowly stands up and put on his uniform. -Drake

~~Walks downstairs~~

"I'll be going now" Runs outside. -Drake

-Somewhere in the world-

" He still hasn't notice the difference in his body yet.." Watching a monitor, which is monitoring Drake " He'll notice it soon.." Stands up and leaves the room.


--Chapter 1 End--

What'd you guys think of my first chapter of this Genderbent story?

Leave a comment on where should I improve.. :D and also share it with your Friends!

Genre: Genderbend, School Life, and Comedy. ((Probably have some weird stuff on the next few Chapters))

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