Phase 2 - Change?

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"Phase 2 Begin.." he leaned back on his chair and watched how Drake fell "This could be a problem"-Dark Figure

"We're going to visit him in the infirmary to check how he's doing, sir" she walked towards an automatic door - Ar-Gh 5425

"Very well.." said the Dark figure

~~At School~~

Everyone in the class was shocked to see Drake Fall and hit his head... they saw blood coming out of his head

Justin is shocked, as well, to see Drake passed out so he immediately came running towards him to see what happened " What the hell!? Dude!You alright!? " He let Drake on his back and he carried him to the Infirmary "Get a hang of yourself!" -Justin

~~A Journey to the Infirmary~~

Meanwhile, Drake is dreaming of him being inside a lab machine, he saw people around that machine and there was a person that he can't picture the face.. as he studied everyone around the machine.. they all have name tags and there were 4 letters and 4 numbers on them.. He heard the Dark Figure talk " You'll be facing new Beginning.. but first I shall Aid you.." and he wakes up..

--In the Infirmary--

"What the heck?..." he said quietly as he search around the area where he was sleeping, but found nothing. "Where am I?" - Drake

Charlotte walked in the infirmary " Are you alright?" towards Drake " They said you just suddenly fell and hit your head.." she walks toward the bed and took a seat " Hey, What have you been up to lately?" - Charlotte

"Huh? Umm.. I think I dont have enough sleep these past few days.." Drake said while trying to sit" - Drake

"Hmm.. have you been reading Hentai lately?" she asked suspiciously - Charlotte

"W-what?! Y-you know I'm not allowed to bring home those, right? My mom will find it faster than the speed of sound!" He said evasively - Drake

"Suspicious..." she stared at him for a while and she stands up "Alright! I need to go back now.. and you should too.." she walks towards the door " and be careful" she said worriedly - Charlotte

Drake stood up and went outside the infirmary then Boy's Washroom "Damn.. I never felt this such urge to pee before.." and he did his business

~~Lunch Time~~

Drake hurried towards the Canteen hoping to get the first batch of Pizza. -Drake

"Wow! This place is a mess!" as she saw the boys running through the corridors - Ms. Heintz Veilchen 29 Years old, and single

"Yes it is.." - Mr. Principal 56 Years old Geezer

~~In the Canteen~~

Drake finally got a slice of the Legendary Pizza "Yes!! I finally got one!" His stomach grumbles " Alright,alright!" He took a bite of the steamy Pizza "Wonderful!" and finishes it - Drake

Charlotte was beside him "Seriously? You're done already?" - Charlotte

"Thats how "MAN" eats! Right Drake?" he pat Drake on the back - Justin

"Ye-" Drake felt miserably sick and shockwaves came bursting out again. Drake's chest suddenly grew a lot bigger and the same voice from his head said "Phase 2 Complete". Drake tried to speak "B-bring me t-to the infirm-" He passed out again - Drake

"Huh? Drake? Drake!! " - Both

~~At the Monitors~~

"Heh.. Its going according to the researches... this should be fun to watch.." -Dark Figure

The door behind him opened and Ar-Gh 5425 came in "I healed his wound, sir." - Ar-Gh 5425

"Good Job.." he said as the other monitors turned into static - Dark Figure

SFX: Static Noice

--Chapter 2 End--

Its been a while.. I can't actually focus on this Story due to because.. I own a Deviantart Account and Im more of a Drawing person than story making..

Ill advertise my Page here..

Also dont forget to Vote, Fave and Comment! :vD

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