Chapter 25

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"Babe, get up, we are going out." Lucas calls from the kitchen, the smell of eggs and bacon wafting into the lounge room where I slept.

I stir in my sleep, the smell of the breakfast, rousing me from my dreams. I rub my eyes and walk into the kitchen, plonking myself in a chair at the table. I look after to find Lucas in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"I didn't know you could cook" I say surprised by my discovery.

"Well in being a werewolf it is kind of compulsory. Unlike you guys we don't have an Emily to cater to our every needs." He replies chuckling to himself.

I grab a plate and load heaps of bacon, eggs and waffles onto it. I bite into a waffle and moan, the taste of the maple syrup melding with the waffle to create a taste which can only be described as heavenly.

"Oh my god, this is delicious. What are you a master chef slash werewolf." I mumble, my mouth full of the delicious food.

I gobble down the food in under five minutes and run to the bathroom, brush my hair and apply a dab of mascara. I grab my denim jacket and run out the door, Lucas waiting patiently for me.

He drives down the highway, revving his engine wildly. I grin into the wind, which is blowing into my face through the open window. I love driving in a fast car like Lucas's, with the engine purring like a wild cat. It is really the most exciting and exhilarating feeling ever, and one which I will never get used to.

We get to the destination, which happens to be a massive arena looking building, ten minutes later. We walk into the building, hand in hand, which is full of race car displays.

"You didn't." I gasp, covering my mouth in shock.

"I did." He replies, smiling brightly at me.

I am immediately overwhelmed with excitement, as I realise what we are going to be doing on our date.

I reach out to ring to bell at the reception desk, to alert the staff of our arrival. A few seconds later, a teenage boy with blonde hair and tanned skin, saunters out of the staff room and shows us out onto the track. Two race cars, one red and one yellow, are sitting out at the start line, ready to be driven.

I zone out of the safety speech that the instructor was giving us, but it's not like I need to worry about safety, I'm a werewolf. When the speech is finished, I run towards what red car, which is practically screaming my name.

I sit in the car, waiting to be strapped in and receive my helmet. I rev my engine teasingly, and earn a loud rev from Lucas in reply. After we are strapped into the cars and our helmets are on, the orange lights begin to flash, and when the green light flares, we both speed off onto the track.

My car pushes into the lead, Lucas hot on my tail. I accelerate around the corner, an action I later realised was a mistake, and he manages to get in front of me. We speed around the track, lap, after lap, after lap, after lap.

With one lap left in the session, Lucas is just ahead of me. I speed up until we are neck on neck, with only a small distance left until we cross the finish line. I fake swerve towards Lucas, and of course, he breaks on instinct, giving me the perfect opportunity to speed ahead and win the race.

I stop the engine and hop out of the car, running towards Lucas with my arms open. I jump into his chest and we kiss passionately for a minute.

"Congratulations baby!" He says, his face in my hair.

"Thanks," I reply, pecking him on the lips. "You did good, for a loser."

"Hey, you used my fear of you being harmed against me." He whines. "I call foul play!" He states, raising his hand.

I push him playfully, and he stumbles and falls back onto the pavement. He looks up at me in shock and I merely laugh at him before walking back to the car. He runs after me, his ego slightly wounded by my betrayal.

We get into the car and he drives us to a nearby cinema, which is supposed to be playing Captain America: Civil War, a movie we had both been dying to watch, but hadn't found the time to.

Lucas goes up to the ticket booth and buys our tickets, while I buy popcorn, drinks and lollies. We settle into our seats at the back of the cinema, our arm rests pushed up so we can sit together. I cuddle into his chest while we watch the movie, the speakers blasting around the large room.

When the movie finishes, we head back towards La Push, and we pull into Emily's driveway. For some reason, the house is quite except for the slow humming, which Emily normally does while she is cooking.

"Hello?" I call out, when we enter the house.

Emily walks out of the kitchen and embraces me in a hug. I kiss her on the cheek, before my eyes search the remainder of the house. Finding no one, I give Emily a questioning look.

"The boys went to the cliff, they should be coming back in an hour or two." She says, walking back into the kitchen.

"I think we'll head over their now Emily," Lucas calls out, dragging me out the door.

I call out a goodbye, before grabbing my bikini and a towel, both which were hanging out on the porch. We walk through the forest, slowly making our way towards the cliff. I can faintly hear the sound of laughter and the splash of water which I know is someone jumping in.

When we get to the cliff, I change behind a tree, but when I return, Lucas had already jumped in. Paul and Rebecca are making out at the bottom of the cliff, Quil is playing with Claire, Jarod and Kim are walking on the beach below, and Embry, Jacob, Sam, Collin, Brady, Seth and Lucas are tossing a ball in the water.

The guys notice me standing at the top of the cliff, and wave for me to jump in. I take a couple of steps back, before running forward and leaping off the cliff into the cold, clear water.

I join in the game, and jump onto Lucas's back to make it easier to catch the ball, as I'm like five feet tall. The game lasts for another fifteen minutes, with Lucas and I dominating the ball. The guys all said they were tired of the game, but I know that they were really, just sick of losing.

We swim to the beach, and sit on the sand for while, talking about both of the packs. We try to avoid talking about the upcoming battle, because it will only bring out unwanted emotions.

After a while, we head back to Emily's to eat lunch, which she had been preparing while we were out. We sit together at the small table, cramped but enjoying each other's company. We might not have long to live, so we are all trying to savour the moments which we do spend together.

After dinner, we sit in the living room and watch a Real Steel, which happened to be on the television. The movie is quite good, and everyone seems to be enjoying it. Except for Kim, but she is too busy trading saliva with Jared. When the movie finishes, we all go our separate ways, everyone heading back to their separate houses.

Lucas and I head upstairs, after saying goodnight to Sam and Emily. We snuggle under the covers, and soon I am drifting off into a peaceful, dreamless slumber.

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