April and Mystery boy

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The music was way too loud at the party and April hated it. She didn't even want to come to the stupid party, and she surely didn't want to leave deft. Her friend Maggie had dolled her up and forced her to come. She would never wear the things that she wore tonight on her own. And don't ever get her started on her hair and makeup. Though she couldn't argue, she did look pretty.
There were people in the living room of whoever's house this was, dancing together. The kitchen was full of a group of jocks cheering a shaggy-haired guy on to chug down his drink. Maggie and April stood against the wall as far away from the commotion as they could.
"I'm gonna get some air!" April yelled over to Maggie, who stood next to her.
"Sure thing! I'll be on the dance floor!" Maggie yelled over the music. She gave April a smile, then danced off to the living room.

Outside, it was cold, and the slight breeze made April shiver and grab her arms. There was a set of swings in the backyard that April didn't hesitate to sit on. She sat swaying back and forth on the swing, wishing that she had worn a shirt with sleeves.
"Want a jacket?" asked a husky voice. April turned around to see a tall guy standing behind her. He wore dark jeans, a T-shirt, and a red jacket. He smiled when April didn't answer.
"Here, you look like you could use it," he said as he took off the red jacket and handed it to her. She smiled back at him and put it on. She wasn't keen on taking things from strangers, but it was way too cold to refuse. It was way too big for her, but she still felt so good. The fabric was soft and smelled like something she didn't know. It was sweet but had a sting. All she knew was that it smelled like heaven.
The boy sat down on the second swing and began to sway back and forth. His head hung down and his blonde hair hung down over his eyes. If she had taken a picture of him at the moment it would be model material.
"Sorry if I'm bothering you, I just had to get out of there." he said, still looking down at the ground.
"No, it's fine! I get it, not much off a party person either," she replied.
"Well, it's not much of a party." he said as he laughed at his own joke.
"Do you even know who's throwing it?" she asked laughing along.
"Yeah.....me." he said with a chuckle.
April looked at him kinda shocked. "I thought you said you weren't the partying type?"
"I'm not...I just...it's kinda complicated." He was looking off into the distance. April tried to find what he was looking at but couldn't see anything but darkness. It seemed as if the yard went on for miles! He must have been rich...scratch that, he HAD to be rich. Even the house was large beyond compare.
"How is it complicated...you either like parties are you don't!" There she went again, pushing people! She just couldn't help but argue, to debate! It was the very reason that Maggie was her only friend...no one else could stand her. Though he didn't seem annoyed by her comment, he seemed bewildered. Though he didn't say anything. For the first time, he looked her in the eyes, and she couldn't help but gaze right back into his. They were surprisingly green. And not the loose green that seemed to be in most eyes, but the green that made you question the reality of what you're looking at because nothing that perfect could be of existence. Also, April had never seen a blond with green eyes. He was rare. She liked rare.
"What?" she asked, feeling a little insecure about his stare. He squinted his eyes, and April felt her mood drop a little because she couldn't see as much of his eyes anymore.
"It's just that, no one has ever really talked to me like you are."
"Well, no one has ever really talked to me. Period," she said and as soon as she did regret it. But felt relief when a smile appeared on his face and she heard the now familiar chuckle of his.
"I don't see why?"
"Let's just say normally I'm not exactly Mrs. Popular."
"You sure look like you could be. I mean this in every good way, you're kinda hot!"
April laughed. "No, I'm not!"
"Okay you're not hot." said the boy. "You're beautiful."
She opened her mouth to retaliate but was suddenly stopped by the feeling of something warm touching her hand.
"And don't try to fight me on it." he continued.
This was crazy! She didn't even know this guy and she was holding his hand!
"You know normally, I wouldn't even get this close to a guy I did know, yet alone a guy I didn't."
He smirked. "It seems like you are doing a lot of things you don't normally do."
"That's because normally I'm a straight line."
He looked at her in confusion.
"A straight line?"
"Yeah, you know... I do what I'm supposed to....I don't break any rules."
"Why not?"
"Because it's what I supposed to do. It's just who I am. And right now I am being the furthest thing from who I am!"
"So what?! Maybe that's a good thing. Like you said, normally people wouldn't talk to you. Well, I'm loving the conversation I'm having with you right now. Maybe it's because I'm talking about the rule breaking you, not the normal you."
April stayed silent still thinking about what he had said.
"Look here's my mission for you." he started, " Break more rules. Live a little."
April looked him in the eyes again. "I will if you will."
"That's a deal I will make." he said with a smile.
They stayed like that for what seemed like the longest time.
"You know you have really pretty eyes," she said as her blood rushed to her cheeks. When he didn't say anything back she started to worry that she was being a creep.
"Sorry?! I didn't mean that! Gosh, I'm a creep!" she exclaimed.
"No," he laughed," It's not that! Not at all! You're just so...different." he managed to get out. "I've never met anyone like you."
"I'm going to do something." he said as he moved closer to April, who in reply sucked in her breath.
"What are you going to do?" she asked as she searched for any sign of oxygen.
He was so close that she could feel his breath prickle her skin.
"I'm going to kiss you." His hands made their way to the sides of her face.
"But I don't even know you! And I don't kiss guys that I don't know!"
Our lips were inches apart.
"I thought you we were breaking our normal rules?" And with that, his lips were on hers before she could argue. It was everything she could imagine and more. His lips were icy but felt fresh on hers which were warm from the rush of blood. His hands made their way down to her neck, as he started to rise from the swing, trying to get closer to her. For some reason, his touch felt so familiar, yet they had just met? All too soon it was over.
He was the one to break the kiss, but he kept his grasp on her attention. He looked her deep in the eyes and thought to himself on how he definitely picked the right time to go for a walk.
April smiled up at him, half of her stuck on the fact that she just kissed a stranger, and the other half stuck on the fact that she liked it!
When she finally caught her breath and broke the silence. "What now?" she asked.
He smirked. "Now, you leave this party with this memory. And next time you feel like you're a 'Straight line', you can think back to this moment when you curved and broke a rule."


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