Suga took me to school

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The next morning I went to school like normal and Jimin was asking me loads of questions about him and who he was .
When I came home suga was already there .
"Hello nice to meet you belle" he said smiling
I laughed and said "nice to meet you suga"
Taehyung looked at us confused . "Okay I'm going now"

Me and suga sat on the sofa . "How was school" he said as he turned on the tv . "Boring like always" I said and sighed . I went to go upstairs but suga said "are you leaving me"
I sat on back on the sofa and suga smiled to himself . "So what do you fancy for dinner" suga said . "What ever you can manage to cook" I said joking . "Hey I'm actually a good cook" suga said smiling at me .

I went up stairs and suga called "dinner is done" .
That was quick I thought to myself  . I went down stairs and there was pizza boxes .
"I thought you was a good cook" I laughed as got a slice of pizza out .
"Well maybe I lied about that" he said as he went red .
He took the pizza into the living room and we sat and watched tv while eating pizza .

I started to feel sleepy and I couldn't keep my eyes open . "You should go to bed if your tired" he said . I shrugged my shoulder and tried keeping my eyes open .

Suga picked me up like a baby and carried me up to my room and put me gently on the bed . He put the cover over me and turned the light off . "Goodnight" he said as he closed the door .

The next morning I woke up and suga was down stairs . "Suga is giving you a lift so you don't have to walk." Taehyung said .
"But what about Jimin" I said
"I will take him too" suga said and smiled .

Then Jimin knocked on the door . "Hi belle" he said as he hugged me . Suga looked at me confused . "He's just a friend suga" I said laughing . Jimin grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the living room . "Is that the one who took your phone" Jimin said . "Yea but he's nicer than I thought" I said whispering to Jimin .

We got in the car and I sat in the front and Jimin sat in the back . Jimin texted me even though he was in the car with me .

Jimin - I saw him look at you
Me - and your point is ?
Jimin - speak to him
Me - no I'm not chatting up my brothers friend

Suga looked down at the texts and I saw him grinning . I quickly turned off my phone and put it in my pocket .

We finally got to school . "Pass me your hand" suga said as he held out his hand . I gave him my hand and he rolled up and sleeve and wrote his number on my wrist . "Text me if you need me or want to talk" he said as he smiled at me .

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