this is it...

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11:15 pm

Ok so my friends think that I should face my parents and tell them that I don't like sports and I want to be an artist. But... I think not, if my parents found out that I hate sports they would freak out! But the truth is that I have been drawing for a really long time now, but I have never been very confident about it till now. I feel as though if I face my parents that they won't accept me into the family and that I would be completely ignored.  

This is it, the day I have been preparing for. My head is spinning with thoughts of curiosity of what they might say about my secret passion. I felt as though my head would explode from all my nerves. 

As I approached  my rotten parents, my head was still playing with the idea of my parents not accepting me and having my brother be the favorite would kill me. He always acts all sporty and my parents love that about him. Now i'm standing right in front of my mom and dad, I feel like bolting into my room and balling my eyes out. But I got this far now, there is no turning back. As I get closer my heart and mind soar into outer space. Finally I approach them I calmly say "Mom Dad can I talk to you?"  My parents look at me and respond, "ya honey what do you need?" I very worriedly responded, "mom dad I hate volleyball and I hate sports in ge- " they cut me off and yelled, "WHAT! WE HAVE WORKED SO HARD ON EVERYTHING WE DO CAN YOU PLEASE NOT DO THIS RIGHT NOW! "  I quickly rethink of what I am now about to say, than I say " look it's that I-I-I love art and that I-I can draw freely and have fun but with volleyball I-I don't have much fun..." My parents are now looking at me like I am insane. Of course to make matters worse my older brother hears the whole thing!!! By now matters have gotten crazy and out of hand!! As I look up at my brother now bawling my eyes out he smiles at me and approaches our parents. Now I know things are about to get bad. My brother walks up to them and calmed them down, I was shocked he has never defended me before, it's as though the world has gone mad! I-I can't believe my eyes! He seemed to calm them down enough to say "mom, dad look if you would just look at what she is capable of, PLEASE? Just at least look at one"  I was shocked, he had my JOURNAL! I was furious but now I look at my brother LOVING my art I-I don't get it... why, WHY would my brother defend me? after he showed them he walked out of the room, looked at me and smiled!

I turn around to leave the room and run to my room, when suddenly my parents stopped me. They asked "How long have you been drawing?" I hesitantly respond "Um... about... um... 2 years........ But it's my safe place I-I don't know how to explain it, I-I..." mom finally stopped me and looked me deeply into the eyes and told me "Honey!! this-THIS is well AMAZING!!! I-I can't believe you did not tell me sooner!!!" I smiled and said" well thanks..." I looked down and asked my mysteriously crazy mom "Are you mad? It is what I would like to continue with it.." I trailed off and then my mom interrupted the silence by telling me "NO WAY! How can I be mad when this, THIS is-is way better than you moping every time you have a competition for volleyball!!" I was shocked!! I looked at the time and saw that it was past 11! I told my mom what time it was and she responded, "ya honey you should go to bed, you have school tomorrow. Goodnight Ellie." So I told her goodnight and headed to my room to call it a night.

To my surprise my brother was waiting for me in my room. He walked right up to me and asked if I was ok. I responded "Yes mat I'm fine, Thank you so much!!!" I gave him a great big hug. He finally broke the hug and responded " Ya no problem Ellie! love you sis!" he gave me a big smile and laughed and playfully told me "Now.... You Ellie owe me a favor whenever I need it!" We looked at each other and died laughing. If anyone could make me smile after a fight mat could! I love having an older brother. Mat said night and disappeared into his room. 

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