Chapter Two

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I woke up with my GPS alarming. Greed was somewhere near Mime Hotel and there was a monster somewhere around the square. I immediately grabbed my jacket and my rubber shoes then ran out with my bag and chips.

The GPS located him somewhere North. In the Northern Square. Damn you. I hurriedly got a cab and then headed for the certain place.

Then, surprisingly, I spotted him with his parents. I walked to them normally. At the back of his parents' neck were a glowing 'I' symbol, which means they were part of my world.

I approached them and spoke, "Hello. My name is Pride and I would like to excuse you Mrs. Dawson." She nodded as we walked 10 feet away from them.

"Yes, young lady?" She asked politely, not remembering me. "Martha, it's me, Pride."

She snapped out of her gentle side and breathed heavily, "What now?"

"Greed. He's in danger and I need to bring him to the camp." I explained as she looked at him then back to me. "Okay. Let's go."

But before we even reached them, tragedy begins. The land shakes and a huge monster suddenly begins to rise.

"Go! Take care of him." Martha says as she distracts the monster together with Jordan, his husband. "Mom!" Greed yells as Martha gets hit with the monster's tail leaving her unconscious then dead. Jordan was thrown off the cliff, he was always an idiot.

"Stay here." I whispered. I ran to the monster and grabbed my knife and targeting straight to the leg as it stomped its foot, making us both fly. I landed on my back, hard. But I manage to stand up.

"Asshole." I mumbled.

At the corner, Greed starts screaming. "What do I do?!" I rolled my eyes and then aimed my knife at the heart making the monster disintegrate. "Simple as that, let's go." I said picking up my back pack.

We climbed down from the cliff, into the ocean. "Shouldn't we go back?" He asked as I ignored him. "Pride?"

"You know what, shut up. Your mom and dad wanted you safe. Martha and Jordan wanted you safe in our world." I explained almost exploding. Martha was my trainer and so was Jordan and I just couldn't accept them dead, right in front of me. "What world, exactly? In the Neverland world? Far far away world? Cry-because-your-parents-are-dead world?"

I threw a stone at his shoulder as he yelped. "In the immortal world, you faggot. You will be trained there to survive from monsters. To live simply. To fight for yourself and for immortals like us. And to protect the world. Now shut up."

"Why would I shut up?" He asked, "Because if you won't, i'll kill you." I threatened as he replied, "Then go ahead! What do I live for anyways? They're dead. Now kill me too."

I ignored him and pushed the inflatable boat in the water as we both got in as it floated in the water. It was four pm and I saw our land. Our border. But before we could get past our border, our boat flipped as we fell to the water.

Squid. Sh*t. I grabbed my knife, incase it gets near me. I searched for Greed and told him to swim to past the border.

We got to the shore as the Primaries helped us up. "What was that?" He asked, following me inside the hallway.

"An attack, what do you think?" I said angrily, "What is happening? First, in the cliff, then in the ocean. What is going on?" He asks, "Shut up, shut up, shut up!!" I yelled at him.

"Why do you tell me to shut up? I just saw my mom and dad get killed in front of me and you tell me to shut up?" He said, I got so pissed I pinned him to the wall with my elbow as the Primaries and Secondaries gasped. "Well i'm sorry I didn't kill you when you told me so because even if I wanted to, I couldn't because i'm not a permitted. But if I was, I would. Now would you just thank me for saving your life and not leaving you with that hideous monster?"

He gulped as I let him go as he breathed the air, "You're welcome. Hope this is a lesson for you not to mess with me, Dawson." I left him kneeling on the floor as I pushed through the crowd, walking to my room, taking a nap.


Mali woke me up, saying I was called by my mom.

I walked to my mom's office, seeing Greed seated at the other chair. "Yes?"

She looked at me, disappointed. "What happened?"

"I fought the monster, we got here in an inflatable boat, I brought him here for safety and I pinned him to the wall causing his death because he pissed me off. That's what happened." I explained.

"You have so much pride in you, Pride." My mom says. "Is that why she named you that?" Greed asks as I balled my fists. "Can. I. Hit. Him?"

"No!" My mom boomed, "Stop it you two. As a punishment for you two, you two will work together and train together. Fight together, most importantly. Get it? Any one object?"

Greed raised his hand, "Feed him to the squid."

He put down his hand immediately as I bit back a laugh. "But mom-"

She cut me off, "No more butts or whys. A punishment is a punishment. Now shoo!" I rolled my eyes and turned to him, "Training starts later, at six pm. I'm too exhausted by this BS."

I busted through the door, leaving them two.

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