Chapter 4

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Annie's POV

The next day I stayed home at bed crying. I told mom that I had the flu, and got away with it. I skipped my first day of first grade. I can't believe it. I was wishing to see Brennan at the school assembly, but darn it, I decided to miss classes. I heard that tomorrow was the annual school dance for middle school, I wasn't invited though since I'm still in elementary. This year's theme was Under the Sea. I'm going to go anyways, since Brennan needs to ask me out, even after what happened yesterday. I came up with a conclusion to demand Brennan to ask me out.


Brennan: Hey babe.

Annie: Ask me out to the dance???? PLEASE? xx

Brennan: Was already planning to do so!!!!! See ya at school tomorrow! 😍😉😜


Brennan: Space bar not working?

Annie: nope, there's just no space for me to love anyone else😍

Brennan: 😘


Brennan's POV:

Later that day I went to buy flowers and a suit for my baby girl. I am so excited for tomorrow. I was planning out the prefect way to ask her out. I will buy a horse, since I know she loves them, and I am gonna ride it and ask her to go to the dance with me. I went to the horse market to buy one. I chose one that had the same color of hair as Annie. I'm sure she's gonna love it. Then I went to target and bought a poster and some markers. i spent the rest of the day making a poster that read "Will you RIDEE to the dance with me?" and a few cowboy drawings.

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