Chapter 4

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I climbed up to Zaya's window with The Eye of Horus in my belt. When I saw her, she was leaning against a desk with her head down. "Zaya!"I called. I walked towards her but stopped when I saw the upset look on her face.

"I'm so sorry."she whispered. I gave her a confused look. I looked to my side and saw Zaya's master in the corner staring me down.

"As if using my house for your secret sisterly meetings were not sufficient...." Suddenly many guards came out from all corners of the room and started walking towards me. "You dare steal from the King? I pride myself in an orderly office, Zaya. You never did understand that, did you? Oh, and this pathetic trinket of yours will save neither of you I'm afraid."he said as he held onto Zaya's necklace. "Set is your God."

"It was all my idea."I claimed as I was afraid that he was going to hurt her.

"Liar!"he yelled making Zaya jump. Urshu walked in front of me. "Give me back what you took." I reached into my pouch and took out a golden necklace and a ring and handed them to him. "Thank you. Feed them to the Jackals." He began to walk away when I thought of something.

"Wait! I took something else." I reached into the back of my belt and held up the eye and pulled Zaya close to me. It shun so brightly that it made everyone there, except Zaya and I, nearly blind. "Run!"I yelled as I dragged Zaya behind me. We hopped into the coach and rode off. I showed Zaya the eye.

"You did it. Where's the other?"she asked.

"You know how hard it was to steal that one?" I heard something fly past my head and it flew straight into Zaya's heart. I ripped the arrow from her chest and held onto her as she began to fall.

"I'll love you forever sister."


"Death is not the end." And with that, my only family, my best friend, my sister was gone. I held her close to me until we reached the temple where Horus was said to be. I layed Zaya down gently as I climbed out of the coach. I walked into the temple ready with a proposition for Horus. I began walking down the stairs as my heart began to beat faster.

"I don't need anymore worshippers. Tributes that rot and stink. Unless you brought more wine, get out."I heard Horus order.

"I'm no worshipper."I stated.

"What are you? Some thief?"he asked.

"Yes. A thief. I have something Set took from you." I opened my palm were his eye rested and I heard him gasp almost as if he was in pain. I hid the eye in the back of my belt once more. He came out of his hiding and stumbled a little.

"No mortal could rob Set's vault. You pilfered one of my followers' corpses."He accused of me.

"They never even got close."I said as confidently as I could.

"Give them to me."he ordered. Who is he to think he could order me around.

"Not yet."

"Give me my eyes."he ordered once more.

"I have a proposition."I claimed.

“You bargain with me?"he asked outraged. He was so outraged that he swung his spear at me multiple times, I dodged it all of those times.

"You're lucky I'm willing to. You can't strike a three-legged elephant."I teased. I hid behind what looked like a casket.

"You want a reward, I suppose? Gold?"he asked.

"Gold I can steal."I said as he attempted to strike me again. I dodged it again, barely. He jabbed it at me many times, missing everytime, until I almost fell off the edge. Then he stopped. It was silent for a moment. I picked up a pebble and threw it to the other side, making him follow it, and giving me enough time to move from the edge. But it wasn't long before he heard me move and attempt to hit me his spear. Why is he so obsessed with killing me?!

"There's someone I want saved."I stated. We continued our little battle as we talked.

"From what?"he asked as he stopped trying to kill me.

"Death." He scoffed. "Didn't your father ever teach you that death isn't the end?"I asked him.

"It can't be done."

"Well figure it out. You're Horus, Lord of the Air!"I yelled to him. I then got an idea of what to say next for him to help me. "Or maybe I'll just toss what I have in the Nile." I began to walk away when I heard him call me back.

"Wait." He then agreed to try and help. I ran back outside to fetch my sister and I the carried her back inside, and let me tell you it wasn't easy. I placed her on the step and Horus began to chant one thing over and over again, stay with the living.

"She's gone beyond where I can reach her."he told me. This made me furious.

"But you're a God."I accused.

"Gods may live 1,000 of your years, but we cannot cure mortality."he said. I rolled my eyes. "It's time for her to walk the path."

"There must be something you can do."I said as tears formed in my eyes.

"I've done all I can."he said once more. "Oh, thou art everlasting, send your servant to guide the dead to new life. Anubis, come forth."Horus called. I looked back down at my sister. I can't let her go yet. Suddenly, Anubis came and took her spirit.

"Zaya. Zaya!"I said in hopes that she would hear me.

"The dead don't speak to the living." He only just made things worse. "Now give them to me." He had done nothing to help me and yet he has the balls to ask for his eyes. If I had a say, he wouldn't even have his tongue!

"You've done nothing!"I accused him.

"My eyes."

"Spend the rest of your days wandering around sightless! I have nothing to lose! Don't you understand!"I yelled with anger coursing through my veins.

"Give.Me.My.Eyes!" I tried pleading my case, but he grabbed me roughly by my arm. "You want to hide from me? Learn to talk less."he ordered.

"I never said anything about wanting to hide."I claimed. He held out is hand and reluctantly, I gave him his eye. He let my arm go and put his eye back in that big head of his.

"Where's the other?"he asked. I began to stutter. "Where's the other?"he asked once more sounding even more irritated.

"Well, I'm not exactly sure, but I...." Suddenly, I found myself being grabbed by the throat and lifted into the air.

Gods of Egypt (Horus x Female Bek)Where stories live. Discover now