Letter Eight

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Heya Lucy! I got back from a mission with Happy so we could pay your rent this month. Of course while we were gone we asked about you and I tried to sniff you out. I didn't get anything.

How did you do it Luce? How did you manage to leave my side without a trail for me to follow? I just don't get it. How is my nose failing me? Why? Of all the times, why did it have to fail me now?

I'm sorry. I'm supposed to be writing ya good and happy stuff, right? So let's talk about happy stuff. Happy stuff, happy stuff, happy stuff! Oh! Sometime this week it stopped raining! We haven't had a sunny day since you went MIA. Maybe the rain's why I couldn't smell you. Nah, it wasn't until you were announced missing did it start raining.

Though Metalhead sang a song bout you n me loving each other when I came back before I threw a chair at his head. He's lucky that Levy is your friend, otherwise I would've beaten him into a pulp.

Huh. I never thought I'd say that. It's just not as fun to fight if I don't have you there to watch, secretly cheering me on. That's right Luce. I always hear you whisper "Go Natsu!" under your breath, even though you act like you don't care or act annoyed. I never had the chance to tell you, but whenever you say my name, I get really happy and my stomach starts to hurt. Why is that? Maybe I'm just hungry. Yeah, that's probably it.

When you come home Luce, you have to make me dinner because you made me wait for you so long. That and because I love your cooking. It usually smells almost as good as you! Though nothing smells better than you. Speaking of your scent it's washing out of your room. Your pillow doesn't smell like us anymore. Now it just smells like me. I guess I could have tried to save the smell by not using it so much, but I thought you'd be back by now.

Happy's complaining that he's hungry so I have to go now. We miss you Luce! Especially me (so remember the food.)

Love, Natsu.

Happy too!

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